Daily Artsy Paintings

Friday Forager Faves:  To All Who Serve

I know it’s been quiet around here the last few days.  George & I are down to less than two weeks left in Florida and things are getting a bit harried.  But I didn’t want to skip this Friday Faves, due to its importance.  Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen the headlines that earlier this week US Navy Seals found and killed 9-11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden.  While I am glad that this evil has been removed from the world, I would prefer to focus attention on those who give their lives so that we may be free.  So, here are a few favorite images that, for me, evoke the emotion of what it means to risk your life so that others gain freedom.

 Parade to War, Allegory by John Steuart Curry, Collection of the Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens

Half Staff by Pamela Viola

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