Daily Artsy Design Foraging

Friday Faves:  Technologically Speaking

Technology is taking over ya’ll.  Almost every aspect of our lives is touched by technology in one way or another.  The art world is no different.  For today’s round-up, take a look at a few artists embracing the digital revolution:

Andy Gilmore

Mark Wilson

Carole Boyd ( all done in Microsoft Paint! )

Jason Fort

Now have some hi-tech fun and check out these artists’ websites!

1.  Andy Gilmore 

2.  Mark Wilson 

3.  Carole Boyd 

4.  Jason Fort 

Featured image is by Mark Wilson.  All images are via the artists’ websites.

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  • Andy Parkinson
    November 20, 2011 at 1:07 AM

    Jacques Ellul argued that all modern art is either a compensation for, or an immitation of technology (I don’t think he didn’t mean it as a positive comment, it was a criticism).