Daily Artsy Paintings

Eternal Spring: Temre Stanchfield

It’s March. This time last year, we were in Northern Idaho and I’m pretty sure we were still wearing heavy sweaters and boots. But spring has officially sprung here in the desert! Although the emerging season definitely looks different here. The paintings of Temre Stanchfield remind me that somewhere there is a spring filled with soft petals, not cactus blooms.

Starlight by Temre Stanchfield

Starlight, oil on canvas, 36×36

Truffle by Temre Stanchfield

Truffle, oil on canvas, 30×36

The artist’s floral groupings have a delicate strength, much like the plants themselves. Only slightly reminiscent of traditional floral still lifes, these bouquets seem much more fresh and alive.

Chortle by Temre Stanchfield

Chortle, oil on canvas, 24×24

Twinkle by Temre Stanchfield

Twinkle, oil on canvas, 36×36

As seeds float away from petals, we are reminded that the blooms we cherish so much are just one part of the life cycle of the plant. That the more quiet, dormant periods of a life are essential to the blossoming.

Merry Dew by Temre Stanchfield

Merry Dew, oil on canvas, 36×36

To see more of Temre Stanchfield’s work, please visit her Temre Stanchfield website.

All images are via the artist’s Temre Stanchfield website.

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