Daily Artsy Figurative Sculpture

Stark Gentility: Bruno Walpoth

I seem to have a thing for pale, sad faces right now ( Exhibit A ).  But just take a look at these wood sculptures by Italian artist Bruno Walpoth and tell me how I could not share them with you?  Modern, young faces full of poignant longing, these pieces are the anti-selfie.  Representations of true emotions felt by real people, rather than a facade put up to show the world how cool and hip we think we are.

Bruno Walpoth Bruno Walpoth Bruno Walpoth Bruno Walpoth Bruno Walpoth

There is such a vulnerability about these gentle wood portraits.  That seems to be an emotion we could all stand to use a bit more of in our interactions.  To be honest enough, with ourselves and others– to truly be real in the way we communicate with our fellow humans, might go a long way in creating the connectedness that so many of us long for.

To see more of Bruno Walpoth‘s stunning work, please visit his website.

All images are via the artist’s website.

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