Artsy Happenings

Artsy Happening: I Am.. #acontributor #selfie #miniproject on Instagram

My friend Veronica and I had an interesting discussion recently about women and photography.  Specifically, how so often the wife and mom ends up missing from so many photographs because she is usually the force behind the camera, eager to document big events and special small moments.  I think sometimes we’re uncomfortable with being the focus of a photograph because of what it may reveal about who we are at that moment– maybe frustrated with our family or having a bad hair day or feeling bloated.  We’d rather be the ones to decide the image we present to the world.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of image and influence.  So when We Are The Contributors co-creators Sandra Harris & Melanie Biehle announced a mini-week-long Instagram #selfie project, I was intrigued and wondered how I could express something different and worthwhile with my selfie contributions?  


 i am.. o’keeffe

 Project participants take one photograph of themselves and post it on Instagram each day for a week.  I started with a simple selfie Mr. Forager and I took while celebrating our anniversary in Coeur d’Alene this weekend.  But as I was lying in bed that night, waiting for sleep to come, I thought, I can do better.   I can say something more with this project.  Something about who I am.

I thought about the roles I’ve played in the past and the ones I’m playing now, about the people who have influenced me.  Then it struck me, what I wanted to explore– the artists who’ve had a profound effect on me.  The ones whose lives, work, and words inspired me to begin my journey along this art strewn road and those I keep discovering anew.

So for the rest of the week, I’ll be posting on Instagram a selfie paying homage to my greatest artistic influences, along with a short story about their impact on who I’ve become. I hope you’ll follow along and, if you’d like join in the project!  To join, just post a self-portrait on Instagram with the hashtags #selfie #miniproject #acontributor.

Image by Artsy Forager, featured artwork Grey Lines with Black, Blue, and Yellow by Georgia O’Keeffe.

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  • Deb Haugen
    January 9, 2014 at 6:30 AM

    wonderful idea, I’m on the self journey with you!

    • Artsy Forager
      January 9, 2014 at 7:54 AM

      I’m enjoying the journey so much, I think I’ll continue these “selfies” for awhile. So many fantastic artists who’ve influenced & inspired me!