Abstract Art Finding My Own Artsy Paintings

Finding My Own Artsy: Feminine Wiles, Painting One

If you’re following along on Instagram, you might have noticed a little sneak peek into something I’ve been working on lately.  Since starting my #colorforaging2014 project at the beginning of the year, I’ve had more creative energy than ever.  And I’ve begun taking full advantage of it.  I’ve always worked in a series format ( thanks, Prof. Ladnier for creating that habit! ) and have already completed 5(!) paintings in one series while my mind is pondering, researching, contemplating the beginnings of seven more different series of work.

Early on, my above mentioned college painting prof labeled me a colorist.  It’s true, I’ve always been drawn to color and color theory.  I’m sure one of my first experiences with color was in admiring the fashion in my favorite curl-up-on-a-Sunday classic films.  As a little girl, I imagined myself in those beautiful clothes, becoming those charismatic leading ladies.  Then as a grown woman, I’ve found myself analyzing the use of color in the establishment of character– the reasoning why the film’s costume director chose that particular gown in that particular shade for that particular scene.  There was a method to all that beautiful madness.

Each series of paintings I have in mind will deal with the psychology and effect of color in some way.  For this first series, which I’ve tentatively titled Feminine WilesI’m focusing on the fashion of iconic female film characters, especially those used in scenes in which the character is capitalizing on her feminity in some way.

Feminine Wiles graphic

Each piece is a small abstract portrait of that character at the moment and how the character is defined by that particular costume choice.  All that intellectual stuff plus I just love pretty dresses and pretty paint..

The first painting in the series is a study of Audrey Hepburn’s Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany’s.  While the character’s series of elegant little black dresses is synonymous with the character, I’ve always been drawn to the pink Givenchy cocktail dress.  The character wears this confection while in the midst of wooing her Brazilian millionaire would-be fiancé.  She is no longer fashioned as cool and elegant, her style for Jose is warm and feminine and festive.  It is such an interesting contrast to the devastation that happens later in the scene.


images found here here and here

Through a sequence of layers in shades of grey, red, purple, pink and white in acrylic on a 6×6 inch canvas panel, I finally came to a point where I felt like I had a representation of my own interpretation of the character in that dress, in that scene.

Frenz_Feminine Wiles_Hepburn_Breakfast at Tiffanys

Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly, The Pink Dress by Lesley Frenz

acrylic on canvas panel, 6×6

I’ve always worked on larger canvases in the past but our current vagabond lifestyle doesn’t include much room for storage of bulky canvases.  I would love to translate these BIG, but for now, these little studies are proving satisfying.  I can’t wait to share more of the Feminine Wiles series with you!  Do you have any iconic female film characters to suggest?  I have a list of possibilities, but am completely open to suggestion.  I’ve been focusing on classic films, but may eventually move into contemporary characters, too.  Can you tell I’m having a ball and completely obsessed with this?  I hope so, because I totally am!

Art and logo by Lesley Frenz/Artsy Forager, other image sources linked above.

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  • Portia Monberg
    February 13, 2014 at 1:27 PM

    Nice painting. Funny because a few months ago I started working on a painting based on all of the dresses worn by Grace Kelly in “To Catch A Thief.” The painting ended-up as sort of a jumble. Your approach of focusing on one dress makes more sense.

    • Artsy Forager
      February 13, 2014 at 1:45 PM

      Thanks, Portia! Grace Kelly in TCAT will be coming up soon.. So interesting that you are finding inspiration in the same places!

  • Heather Kerley
    February 13, 2014 at 10:27 PM

    It’s true you don’t think about that dress when you think of Breakfast at Tiffany’s, but it revealed Holly’s ever-changing, crafted image. It’s a great idea for a series. Can’t wait to see more!

    • Artsy Forager
      February 14, 2014 at 8:54 AM

      Thanks, Heather! I’m excited to show more and continue with the series, as well as get started on a few other series ideas that are kicking around in my head! 😉