Daily Artsy Paintings

Behind the Hedges: Cary Reeder

We never know what someone else’s life is really like.  Oh sure, we see carefully edited glimpses of the lives of others on Facebook, Instagram and the like, but often what we are seeing ( and sharing ) is exactly what we want to see.  Houston artist Cary Reeder  emphasizes the secrets kept behind the suburban blinds in her Neighborhood series.

Cary Reeder | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings Cary Reeder | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings Cary Reeder | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings Cary Reeder | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings Cary Reeder | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings


Why do we have the tendency to close the world out when we’re at home?  When we’re out in public, we’re usually not shy about letting others in.  Certainly, there are particular homebound acts we’d rather not share, but what about those days when we’re just hanging out?  I love seeing glimpses of happy couples and families through open windows.  In these times when we rarely get to know our neighbors, it’s reassuring to see slices of the lives being lived in the other boxes around us.  How about throwing those windows open this weekend, Artsies?

To see more of Cary Reeder’s work, please visit her website.

Images via the artist’s website and Facebook page.  Artist found via New American Paintings.

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