Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Vulnerabilities. Thomas Donaldson.

We lay ourselves open in more ways than just physical nakedness.  Baring our souls often requires much more bravery.  We aren’t just our bodies but our spirits.  And it is in those deepest places that our true selves reside.

Thomas Donaldson | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings Thomas Donaldson | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings Thomas Donaldson | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings Thomas Donaldson | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings Thomas Donaldson | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings


As artists, we lay ourselves bare every time we put brush to canvas.  We make ourselves vulnerable as we pour ourselves out in color and form.  It is a scary thing to be an artist, to embrace the emotional roller coaster of putting ourselves out there and opening up what is inside for the world to see.

To see more of Thomas Donaldson‘s work, please visit his website.

Images are via the artist’s Facebook page and Saatchi page.

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