Artsy Happenings

Moving Forward.

Change move grow

It seems like a long time since I’ve caught ya’ll up on what’s going on with my studio practice.  Has it really been a year?  Yikes!  If you follow along on social media, you know that I’ve still been diligently painting away, have launched my own artist’s website, and now have work represented by Art & Light Gallery in Greenville, SC.  So much exciting growth in the last year, I can hardly stand it!

As my studio practice grows, I’ve found myself wanting something different for this space.  For the last four years of writing Artsy Forager, I’ve focused my attention more on the work of other artists.  Perhaps because I doubted that I had anything compelling to say as an artist myself.  But like a baby bird, I have been finding my voice and am ready for my song to be heard.

Beginning this week, Artsy Forager, the blog and social media platforms, will be shifting direction.  While Artsy Forager has in the past been concentrated on other artist’s work, moving forward I’ll be sharing more of my own artistic journey– my work, my inspiration, our travels and adventures and what it all means to me.  And with a solo show at Art & Light coming up in March 2016 (eeeee!!!!), I am making more time to paint, and with that my posting to the blog will be less frequent– once or twice a week instead of daily.  I’ll still be on Instagram & other social media daily, though!

I will always be an encourager and cheerleader for my fellow artists and count them among the catalysts that have propelled me forward.  I completely understand that some readers come to Artsy Forager to discover new artists ( follow me on Facebook, Pinterest & Twitter for that– I’ll continue sharing my favorites on those platforms! ) and this new direction may mean a loss of readership.  That’s OK.

For the first time in over four years of writing this blog, it will truly be my voice, my vision, my soul being shared.  I hope you’ll continue on this journey with me!

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  • Christelle
    November 5, 2015 at 12:58 PM

    Je suis certaine que cette nouvelle aventure sera bénéfique Profitez, soyez vous même et il est évident que tout le monde vous suivra!

    • Artsy Forager
      November 10, 2015 at 10:18 AM

      Thanks so much, Christelle!