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Daily Artsy Mixed Media Photography

Visual Tales of Allegory and Absurdity: Jamie Baldridge

The fantastical work of Jamie Baldridge weaves for the viewer visually complex stories that engage the mind and entrance the spirit. Baldridge, a professor of photography at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, creates his fantastical works by utilizing…

Design Foraging Landscapes Photography

Friday Forager Faves: Shutterbugs

Please enjoy this oldie by goodie while I spend the next two weeks camping, packing, visiting with the mom-in-law and moving from WA to OR. See you in September! I can’t believe it is the end of another week…

Daily Artsy Photography

Appetite For Destruction: Lori Nix

Upon first seeing Lori Nix’s photographs, you might think she must have an unbelievable knack for scoping out interesting places in various states of destruction and decay.  But look a little closer.  These places aren’t real at all.  They…

Daily Artsy Figurative Mixed Media Paintings Photography

Art For Guys

Today I was stuck on what or who to feature on the blog.  Nothing was jumping out at me.  Desperate,  I asked my husband.  His first ( joke ) repsonse was “Thomas Kinkade”.  Hardee har har.  His next suggestion…

Daily Artsy Paintings Photography

Friday Faves:  Put A Bird On It

It seems that the hipster craft craze has given birds a bad name in the art world.  If you’ve seen the “Put a Bird On it” sketch from IFC’s hilarious Portlandia, you know what I’m talkin’ about.  Bird “art”…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Design Foraging Figurative Paintings Photography

Friday Forager Faves:  Horsin’ Around

Artists have long held a fascination for horses.  Some of the earliest cave drawings were filled with equine imagery.  Modern artists are no different.  Today’s faves feature artists with a penchant for ponies.  Enjoy! Happy Friday!  Hope your weekend…

Daily Artsy Photography

Pick of the Crop:  Heralding Hager

In this digital age, it seems like you can’t spit without hitting a self-proclaimed “photographer”.  I don’t begrudge anyone a creative outlet– if you want to take photos with your digital SLR, slap ’em up on Facebook and call…

Daily Artsy Mixed Media Paintings Photography

Friday Forager Faves:  Birthday Wish List

Today is my birthday, ya’ll.   I will be happily spending the day with the one who birthed me, touring the Downtown Jacksonville studio of Christina Foard and researching downtown galleries for an article I’m writing for EU Magazine (…

Abstract Art Landscapes Photography

Friday Forager Faves

Happy Friday everyone!  If you’re in North Florida, no, that light coming through your windows is not an April Fool’s Day joke– the sun is finally shining!  If you haven’t made it to the beach yet,  here are a few…

Abstract Art Photography

Friday Forager Faves

A few of my favorite things this week.. in honor of the beginning of spring, a little light, some flowers and birdsong. 1. Dogwood Branch by Pamela Viola 2. Get Lucky by Christina Baker 3.  Fading Boundaries by Maribel…