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mixed media

Artsy on Escape Into Life Figurative Paintings

Artsy on Escape Into Life: Brad Kunkle

There are certain artists who create worlds so beautiful, I find myself wishing I could live inside one of their paintings, even if just for a little while.  Today’s Escape Into Life artist, Brad Kunkle is such an artist.…

Daily Artsy Mixed Media Paintings

C’est La Vie de la Nouvelle-Orléans

New Orleans is one of those places that is unlike any other.  It is unique in it’s history, traditions and way of life.  Artists of all kinds, writers, musicians, painters, are attracted to its vibrancy and joie de vivre.…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Figurative Mixed Media Paintings

Patterns At Play: Kirra Jamison

I’ve always been interested in the interplay between color and pattern, how each effects the other and the visual impact both can have, even in small doses.  Australian artist Kirra Jamison’s works are a beautiful, modern mastery of both.…

Artsy on Escape Into Life Mixed Media

Artsy on Escape Into Life: M.A. Tateishi

There are certain artists whose work resonates with me, to whom I return again and again for inspiration.  Vancouver, BC artist M.A. Tateishi is definitely an artist whose work fits into that category!  I’m so happy to feature her…

Art Glass Design Foraging Mixed Media Paintings Sculpture

Friday Faves: Hearts A’Flutter

I used to hate Valentine’s Day.  Back when I was single, my friends and I often enjoyed Anti-Valentine celebrations.  But now that I’m an old married lady ( it’s been an entire year of marital bliss! ), I revel…

Daily Artsy Mixed Media

Modernized Folk: Lisa Congdon

We have come so far from what we once were.  Humanity’s beginnings were so simple, but it seems we have become incredibly distanced from so many of the practices and traditions that were once essential.  Perhaps that is why…

Daily Artsy Mixed Media

Salvaged Surfaces: Valerie Roybal

When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter?  Or read a book made of paper instead of on your Kindle?  Wrote a check? As we shift closer and closer to becoming a paperless society, it seems that…

Artsy Fodder Fashion Wear the Artsy

Artsy Fodder:  Art Gets Bejewelled

Artists and designers have been inspiring each other for centuries. Whether we realize it or not, much of the clothes we wear, jewelry we sport and objects we use are a result of the symbiosis between art and design.…

Daily Artsy Design Foraging

Friday Faves: It’s Like High School Without the Bad Hair

‘Tis a new year and with that comes all sorts of lists documenting the good, the bad and the ugly from the past 12 months.  While there’s certainly no bad or ugly here at Artsy Forager, I thought it…

Artsy on Escape Into Life Mixed Media

Artsy on Escape Into Life: Hilary Williams

Hey ya’ll!  It’s Tuesday, so don’t forget to mosey on over to Escape Into Life to check out my post featuring the work of Hilary Williams.  You might remember Hilary from my Artsy Forager post on her work here.…