Feminine Wiles


Early on, my college painting professor labeled me a colorist.  It’s true, I’ve always been drawn to color and color theory.  I’m sure one of my first experiences with color was in admiring the fashion in my favorite curl-up-on-a-Sunday classic films.  As a little girl, I imagined myself in those beautiful clothes, becoming those charismatic leading ladies.  Then as a grown woman and artist, I’ve found myself analyzing the use of color in the establishment of character– the reasoning why the film’s costume director chose that particular gown in that particular shade for that particular scene.  There was a method to all that beautiful madness.

For this series, Feminine WilesI’m focusing on the fashion of iconic female film characters, especially those used in scenes in which the character is capitalizing on her feminity in some way.  Each piece is a small abstract portrait of that character and how the character is defined by that particular costume choice.

Click thumbnails above for larger images and artwork details.  All work is available for sale unless otherwise specified.  If you’re interested in purchasing, please email me via my contact page.

To see more of my inspiration and thoughts on each character and their color study, please have a look at the Feminine Wiles archives.