Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Model Character: Luis Cornejo

I admit it.  I love a pretty fashion magazine as much as the next girl.  Pages and pages of beautiful people contorting their bodies into strange positions to sell gorgeous clothes can sometimes enthrall me for hours.  But then, I find myself needing a break from the beautiful.  That may sound strange, but so often, the perfectly styled and photoshopped images create an unreal world, one that I can only take so much of.  El Salvadoran artist Luis Cornejo takes these idealized images as his inspiration but infuses them with cartoonish humor.

Paff!, oil, acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 51×75

Isolating the figures gives each painting an almost classical composition, seeming to compare the fashion models of today to the artist’s muse of the past.

Untitled ( #5 ), oil and acrylic on canvas, 47×58

The models retain their “fierce”, pouty poses, while Cornejo’s added illustrative elements remind us to not take this artificially created world too seriously.

Untitled ( #6 ), oil and acrylic on linen, 31×39

Untitled ( #7 ), oil and acrylic on linen, 35×53

To see more of Luis Cornejo’s work, please visit his website.

Artist found via The Jealous Curator.

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  • hena tayeb
    June 7, 2012 at 11:17 AM

    Very interesting work. I like number 3 and 5 the most.

    • Lesley
      June 7, 2012 at 11:59 AM

      Glad you enjoyed them, Hena! #3 is a favorite of mine, as well. 😉

  • barbaraelka
    June 7, 2012 at 2:29 PM

    That is a good find