Daily Artsy

This Artsy Life: Weekend 8 [ Artsy & Mr. Forager Chill ]

We live a crazy, unique life. Mr. Forager’s work as a traveling medical professional means that we live in a new place every three to six months. In the last two years, we’ve lived in five different states! Since we never know from one work contract to the next exactly where we’ll end up, we like to take full advantage of where we are at the time. Which means a lot of time spent exploring, seeing everything in the area that seems artsy and/or interesting. The result equals few weekends at home just being. For the next several weekends, we are doing just that. Chillin’. Giving ourselves the gift of time and peace and quiet. Days to relax, freedom to do whatever we feel like or nothing at all.

[ feet up, body relaxed, mind at ease ]

[ slowing down means noticing the beauty we take for granted ]

[ it also means time for making homemade stock ]

[ and catching up on that pile of art magazines ]

[ and sketching with no real purpose in mind ]


[ and just opening your doors to possibilities ]

This weekend, I continued on my journey to Finding My Own Artsy.. some painting happened, but this little trip has only begun.  More on that later, if I’m brave enough..  How do you spend your “chill” weekends?

All images by Artsy Forager.

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  • Christina Baker
    February 25, 2013 at 4:35 PM

    Chilax and enjoy! Love this post. It brings you closer to us : )

    • Lesley
      February 25, 2013 at 4:40 PM

      Thank you for the encouragement! Another wise Christina suggested I show a little more of my life with George. 😉