Ok, so I’m not really using 3D in quite the right context in that there title. But doesn’t the whole 3D thing still seem terribly futuristic, even though every other movie these days is being made that way? I admit, I tend to avoid 3D movies if I can. I think it goes back to a harrowing 3D movie snake experience at Marineland as a youngin’. Thus solidifying my dislike of snakes and my skepticism about 3D films. But 3D printed jewelry?! That’s a snake of a different color. The idea that you can design an object on a computer and then print it, not on flat paper but in real, three dimensional proportions and in mediums other than paper was mind blowing! I’m just beginning to explore this world, but check out some of my favorite finds so far!
I’m kind of dying to see some 3D jewelry up close & personal now. How about you? Have you seen any 3D jewelry? Do you own any? An inquiring Artsy wants to know. Have a fantastic weekend, Artsies!
All image sources linked above.
Hanna (mapart.me)
April 5, 2013 at 4:05 PMI’m also curious how does it look like in person. I was thinking about making some toys for children by myself (eg puzzles). It shouldn’t be complicated to design but I know nothing about the materials which you can print from. Any tips appreciated!
April 5, 2013 at 5:13 PMWish I could help, Hanna! I know some of these are made from materials such as felt and nylon, but beyond that I’m pretty clueless! Definitely still learning myself. 😉