Daily Artsy Landscapes Paintings

Views. Christopher Ryan Russell.

Mr. F and I have an ongoing difference of opinion.  When we’re hiking, he is all about big, open, impressive views.  I like hikes that take me deep into the forest where the light does magical things among a myriad of textures.  But no matter the view, the point is to get out and just see!  These paintings by Christopher Ryan Russell take us down both paths towards divine prospects.

Christopher Ryan Russell | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings Christopher Ryan Russell | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings Christopher Ryan Russell | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings Christopher Ryan Russell | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings Christopher Ryan Russell | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings


On occasion, Mr. F and I both get what we want– a journey that takes us deep down into the forest and then up and out into an amazing landscape view.  Russell’s work well represents that dichotomous marriage between what lies beneath and what is to be found above.  One would not be nearly as thrilling without the journey to or from the other.

Check out Christopher Ryan Russell‘s website to see more of his work.

All images are via the artist’s website.

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