Ever feel like you’re just kind of aimlessly wandering from one day to the next? I mean, we get up each morning, go through our routine.. shower, coffee, email, work, lunch, work, dinner, bed, rinse, repeat. But do we really have a sense of purpose? Is this all we were put here for?
The abstract paintings of Karl Klingbiel with their looping layers and chaotic color, bring to mind the way it feels at times to be here, to be lost in a world of our own making, our own choosing.
We move from one place to the next, one job to the next, perhaps even one relationship to the next and sometimes back again, always looking for that feeling of contentment, fulfillment. Maybe it is just our way, this wandering. Maybe because we were truly designed for something different, a kind of life we can’t even fathom, so caught up we are in the imaginary race we’re running against no one.
To see more of Karl Klingbiel‘s work, please visit his website.
All images are via the artist’s website. Artist found via Caldwell Snyder.