I am always amazed at the way an artist’s mind will interpret a given subject. I believe artists “see” in certain palettes, even when looking at a thing that is obviously one color, the artist feels it as another.…
As we get back into the swing of normal life following our week in the wild, I’ve been struck by the obvious artificiality that surrounds so much of our landscape. Plastic flowers where real should be, fountains instead of…
With worries over the health of my mom, close friends, and myself ( I checked out fine, whew! ), it’s been an emotional summer. Not really the carefree season of years gone by. So Mr. F and I were…
While Mr. F and I are camping in Yosemite, I’m resharing some posts you might have missed the first go ’round! Enjoy! If there is one thing we learned during our time in the desert, it is that Mr.…
While Mr. F and I are camping in Yosemite, I’m resharing some posts you might have missed the first go ’round! Enjoy! Although I love the cold winter months, for many, January is a tough month to swallow. All…
While Mr. F and I are camping in Yosemite, I’m resharing some posts you might have missed the first go ’round! Enjoy! Our memories of places and experiences are not simply visual recollections of what we saw, but a…
While Mr. F and I are camping in Yosemite, I’m resharing some posts you might have missed the first go ’round! Enjoy! Just the other day, I was saying to Mr. Forager, “Can you believe it’s been almost two…
Kickin’ off a new month with a holiday ( for most of us ) and a new Featured Artist, you say? Well, I’ll take that! I’m excited to feature the abstract work of South Florida artist Brenda Hope Zappitell all…
Being an artist can be a lonely endeavor. We’re often toiling away alone in the studio for hours, even days at a time! And while we usually need that solitary time to work out our thoughts and feelings into…
In his book, Concerning the Spiritual in Art, Kandinsky wrote of a corresponding vibration happening in the heart upon the receipt of an abstract impression. To me, that is what the best abstract painting does, sets up a vibration…