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Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings Sculpture

Sidelined. Klara Glosova

Its nearly that time of year when the light fades earlier and families spend their evenings and weekends cheering their little ones from the sidelines.  My younger brother was big into t-ball, then baseball when he was young, so…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Mixed Media Paintings

Lucid Liquidity. Peter Vahlefeld

The idea of consumption was one I never thought of much until the last few years.  When I was a young single woman in Florida, shopping was a hobby, a large part of the culture.  Since marrying Mr. F…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Photography

Fielding Color. Mitch Paster

I’ve been kind of obsessed with the atmosphere of color lately.  From my #colorforaging2014 project on Instagram, to the Feminine Wiles series, to some newer ideas I’m exploring, color is in the forefront of my mind.  I’m continually amazed…

collage Daily Artsy

Jessalyn Aaland

Does anyone else remember thumbing through paper catalogs at Christmastime, circling and dreaming of goodies Santa might bring, or later in life, dreaming of filling your house with all that pretty stuff?  Goodness knows we are a world in…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

Pattern Recognition. Kuzana Ogg

Kuzana Ogg Flash Sale This Week! It’s rare to begin a Monday feeling so excited, ya’ll, but I can’t help it!  Not only am I sharing the work of this amazing artist, who I’ve been following since Erin &…

Daily Artsy Paintings

Summer Attraction. Maz Dixon

Ah, summer.  That time of year when you can relish the craziest, corniest of adventures.  Like finally hitting up that kitschy old-timey amusement park or road tripping to see the world’s largest ball of twine.  In her work, Australian…

Artsy Happenings Exhibitions

Artsy Happening. Continental Shift Seattle

We can all relate to being a part of a non-traditional family.  Whether you’re a member of a blended “step” family, the parent or child in a same-sex led family, or have created your own definition of a family…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

Being Present. Yolanda Sanchez

One of the hardest states for us to find is being completely present.  Thoughts of the past, the  future, distractions, all tend to cloud our minds and detour us away from simply living in the given moment.  In her…

Daily Artsy Photography Still Life

Collected Treasures. Jennifer Steen Booher

When I was a little girl in Florida, I always remember my mom collecting shells every time we went to the beach.  She wasn’t( still isn’t ) a swimmer, but she loved going to the beach and finding treasures.…

Daily Artsy Sculpture

Soft Geometry. Ruth Hiller

It feels like such a hard world these days, doesn’t it?  It can be a challenge to find a bit of softness.  Colorado artist Ruth Hiller juxtaposes industrially crafted plywood with brightly colored organic beeswax, creating a happy softness among…