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Mixed Media

Daily Artsy Mixed Media

Conscious Collective: Casey McGlynn

Things we experience in childhood have such a powerful impact on the people we become.  They are the memories, good and bad, which come back to us again and again.  Ontario artist Casey McGlynn’s work recalls recurring symbols from…

Art to Inspiration Mixed Media Sculpture

Art to Inspiration: Jo Howe

Wow.  Has another month really gone by already?  It’s Art to Inspiration time again!  This month’s inspiration, Echoes of Fragrant Voices by Jo Howe inspires me on so many levels.  Her sculptures, created from book pages ( love level…

Cap Tossing Over the Wall of Space by Steve Williams
Artsy Forager Featured Artist Exhibitions Mixed Media

Steve Williams in Sustainotopia

I hope you guys have wandered over to the Artsy Forager Facebook page to check out this month’s Featured Artist, Steve Williams!  It’s been so much fun sharing Steve’s work with you over the month of April.  With the…

Design Foraging Mixed Media Paintings

Friday Faves: Circle Circle Dot Dot

Pretty sure I read in the latest InStyle Magazine ( we all have our guilty pleasures! ) that polka dots are big for spring.  Maybe it’s the influence of Damien Hirst’s spot paintings.  Here are some more artists marking…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Mixed Media Paintings

All That He Surveys: Thomas D. Aaron

Living in places with so many wild areas, whenever we go out hiking, we’re still very aware of man’s impact on the landscape.  Salt Lake City artist Thomas D. Aaron brings attention to the natural landscape and the effect…

Design Foraging Mixed Media Paintings

Friday Faves: Climb Every Mountain

A huge part of what drew George & I to the Northwest was the mountainous terrain.  When the weather is good, every weekend is spent hiking and exploring the mountains around wherever we happen to be.  We’re gearing up…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Mixed Media

Multi-Faceted Abstractions: Jackie Tileston

I love work that speaks to me on several levels.  ( Yes, I can hear the artwork talking to me! )  The work of Philadelphia artist Jackie Tileston seems to communicate to us from several worlds at once. Atmospheric…

Abstract Art Artsy Forager Featured Artist Figurative Mixed Media

April Facebook Featured Artist: Steve Williams

When I launched the Artsy Forager Facebook Featured Artist program this month, I was thrilled when Steve Williams agreed to be my inaugural artist. Like me, Steve is a native of our hometown, Jacksonville, Florida and has long been…

Mixed Media Paintings

Friday Faves:  Seattle On My Mind

If you’ve been reading Artsy Forager for a while, you may have noticed me mention the love my hubby & I have for Seattle.  He was living there when we began dating and although we’d known each other a…