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Daily Artsy

Daily Artsy Sculpture

Elegant Embodiments: David Engdahl

I have not tried to reproduce nature, I have represented it. — Paul Cezanne Never where these words more true than in the work of sculptor, David Engdahl.  The former architect has been shaping wood to create beautiful sculptures…

Daily Artsy Figurative

Playing Dress Up: Robin Williams

I find myself continually drawn to artists who realistically paint the human figure, but reimagine it in unique ways.  ( see:  Deborah Scott, Susan Hall, Jeff Whipple & so many more I’ve yet to share with you ).  So…

Daily Artsy Exhibitions Mixed Media Paintings

Are Chickens the New Black?

I admit, I’m not always up on the very latest trends, I am in my 30’s after all.  I knew all about the “Put a Bird On It” trend, but had no idea that art featuring chickens had become…

Daily Artsy Design Foraging Figurative Mixed Media Paintings

Friday Faves:  Sugar & Spice

Maybe it’s the little girl inside me.  Maybe it’s a way to relive the days when my imagination was unshackled and my days were carefree.  Who knows.  Whatever the reason, I am always drawn to whimsical, fanciful imagery of…

Daily Artsy Mixed Media Paintings

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World: Hilary Williams

The world(s) created by Hilary Williams, that is.  But really her work is no more absurd than the world we see around us every day.  A San Francisco printmaker, Hilary takes elements of urban life, the natural environment and…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

Organic Perspicacity: Deb Haugen

Addendum:  If you like Deb Haugen’s work, prints will be available via One King’s Lane beginning August 5, 2011. Organic is a hot word these days. It’s everywhere in the grocery store, pharmacy, heck just googling “organic” yields 430,000,000…

Daily Artsy Galleries Installations Public Art Reviews

Hello?  This is Art calling.

Do you remember the days when we didn’t carry our phones around with us, but had to actually seek out that communication tool known as a phone booth?  That small, 37″x37″ box where you could look up a number,…

Daily Artsy Paintings Still Life

Friday Faves: Eat. Drink. Be Artsy.

The hubby and I love food.  Eating food.  Buying food.  Cooking food.  Talking about eating, buying and cooking food.  We plan trips around where we will eat.  For us, food is more than just a way to provide energy…

Daily Artsy Paintings

The Illuminated Landscape: Marla Baggetta

I am extremely blessed to be living in one of the most dramatically beautiful areas of the country.  Around every mountain pass is another scene, ripe for immortalizing in paint.  As I’ve sketched here in the Pacific Northwest, I’ve…

Daily Artsy Figurative

Emancipation of Me, by Mimi ( Williams )

A bad night’s sleep does not sit well with me.  Ask George.  And last night, I did not sleep well.  Tossing and turning, waking up every hour to toss and turn some more.  A restless night = crabby blogger…