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Daily Artsy

Daily Artsy Figurative Photography

Hiding in Plain Sight. Flora Borsi

It can be so easy to push what we are or what we’re feeling back into the depths.  Everyday life necessitates that we “get on with it” and we genuinely want to.  But not being real with ourselves and…

Daily Artsy Paintings

Camp Camo: Tara Lee Guild

‘Tis the season for camping!  While Mr. F and I are currently tent campers, we have a soft spot for Airstreams.  We aren’t the only ones, though, these aluminum beauties have fans all over the world.  Vancouver artist Taralee Guild…

Daily Artsy Exhibitions Galleries museums

Don’t Miss Artsiness 7.17.14

Gallery Shows You Should See I would love to get lost in an interesting and compelling art show right about now.  In case you’re looking to do the same, here are a few gallery shows you might want to…

Daily Artsy Drawing Figurative

Tumbling On: Leah Yerpe

Sometimes it feels as if we are simply tumbling through life, being swayed to and fro like a pinball or a tumbleweed.  In these incredible large scale drawings, Brooklyn artist Leah Yerpe multiplies her figures as they spill through the…

Daily Artsy Paintings

Blocked In: Louise Belcourt

We are down to seven more weeks left in Eureka.  That is, if Mr. F’s contract doesn’t get extended, which we think it will.  Mr. F always knows exactly how many weeks we have left in one spot.  He…

Daily Artsy Sculpture

Broken: Sandra Shashou

I’ve always been drawn to the imperfect.. the broken shell on the beach, the scratched and worn kitchen table.  There is something poetic in the brokenness.  In her sculptural series Broken, London artist Sandra Shashou intentionally breaks beautiful pieces of…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Aqua Therapy: Carol O’Malia

It hardly feels like summer.  Here on the Northern Cali coast, the temps have barely ever gotten out of the sixties– I’m still wearing scarves and boots on occasion!  In addition to the cooler weather, Mr. F and I…

Daily Artsy Photography

Troy Moth

There is such a magic and a mystery to the natural world surrounding us.  The way trees grow, skies shift, often seem to be inherently artful and purposeful.  The work of Canadian artist Troy Moth gives expression to those dreamful…

Daily Artsy Landscapes Paintings

American Jam: Joe Wardwell

If you were paying close attention to Don’t Miss Artsiness a few weeks ago, you may have spotted this artist’s work.  The mind-bending work of Joe Wardwell mixes classical American landscape paintings with rock lyrics and the result is just…

Jewelry Paintings Wear the Artsy

Wear the Artsy: Carlos Lopez + Emily Miranda

This past Sunday, following more weekend festivities than is normal for us, Mr. F and I took to the beach for the afternoon.  There is always something about the salt air, the crash of the waves, and the sand…