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Daily Artsy

Daily Artsy Photography

Delicate Dramas: Isabelle Menin

Have you ever thought about the stories unfolding around you?  I don’t mean what the neighbors are up to, but the countless big and tiny worlds humming along around us, hardly aware of our presence?  As Mr. Forager &…

Daily Artsy Sculpture

Captured Elixir: Jamie Harris

Have you ever watched a sunset, watching the sun melt into the landscape and wished there was a way to capture other than on your iPhone?  New York artist Jamie Harris seems to ensnare the elemental liquidity of nature in…

Daily Artsy

Riotous Journeys: CK Aderem

I do love work filled with calming translucency and dreamy washes.  But sometimes, I’m in the mood for something a bit more wild.  The work of South African born Boston-based artist CK Aderem is filled with controlled explosions of texture and…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Summer Lovin’: Elizabeth Lennie

Summer is officially here!  ‘Tis the season we take to the water!  Perhaps as an escape from the heat, but even more so, we are drawn to watery places this time of year because of the calming effect of water…

Daily Artsy Photography

On the Road: Matt Sawyer

Thanks to this gypsy-like lifestyle we’ve chosen, Mr. Forager and I find ourselves on frequent road trips.  Whether journeying to our next destination or exploring our current spot, we’ve put a lot of miles on our little Hyundai!  Each…

Daily Artsy Paintings

Flora Unleashed: Laurence Amelie

It seems I’ve been more obsessed with flowers this spring than ever.  Perhaps because here in Northern California, everything has been blooming like crazy!  I’m constantly discovering new floral delights, both of the cultivated and wild varieties.  Our favorites…

Daily Artsy

Artsy Happening: Celebrating the First Ever White House Maker Faire with!

Three posts in one day?!  What’s going on?  I’ll tell you what– I am joining with the folks at to celebrate the first ever White House Maker Faire!  America has always been a creative nation, but in recent years,…

Daily Artsy Sculpture

Hidden Treasures: Elyse Graham

I remember being fascinated by a pair of geodes that were one of my grandmother’s travel souvenirs.  The ugly, nondescript rocky surface hiding inside it a magical, sparkly surprise.  Los Angeles artist Elyse Graham shares my childhood fascination, creating…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Artsy Lately: Lee Price

This artist’s work always gets me.  Not just because it’s incredibly gorgeous and highly skilled, it is.  But each piece is filled with so much emotion and narrative, it’s like a beautiful punch in the gut.  I first featured…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

Liquid Amore: Mallory Page

We’ve all been there.  Those incredible moments when we first fall in love– like walking on clouds, floating on the gentle rock of a warm ocean.  We are consumed in total by our love, seeing the world through a…