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Abstract Art Artsy on Escape Into Life Paintings

Artsy on Escape Into Life: Christina Baker

I love it when fans of an artist’s work remind me to feature them!  So of course, I had a V-8ish slap-myself-on-the-forehead moment when the Managing Editor at Escape Into Life saw me post on Twitter about Christina Baker’s…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Of Bygone Days and Carefree Ways: Signe & Genna Grushovenko

Every family has an unofficial photographer.  That one person you can always count on to be there, camera in hand, to capture milestones, special gatherings and stolen moments.  My maternal grandmother played the role in my family.  She filled…

Abstract Art Design Foraging Mixed Media Paintings Sculpture

Friday Faves: Of Sea and Sky

In case you can’t tell by the blog’s background, I have a favorite color.  I love most of the blue family, but am always immediately drawn to the color turquoise.  Or, as my niece Kendall calls it “toy-quoise”.  So…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Silent Shouting: Ali Cavanaugh

Body language speaks louder than words.  Many times, our posture and expression may belie what we’re really thinking, despite the words coming out of our mouths.  The paintings of Santa Fe artist Ali Cavanaugh shout with quiet profundity. Cavanaugh’s…

Abstract Art Design Foraging Landscapes Paintings Photography

Friday Faves: Water, Water Everywhere

.. and not a drop to swim in.  Well, without a wetsuit, at least here in Northern Idaho.  What is it about the water that calls to us, calms our senses, rejeuvenates?  These photographers might have a clue, as…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

Primal Expression: Brenda Hope Zappitell

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m far from a wild child.  I tend to be calm, controlled, even-tempered.  Maybe that’s why I’m drawn to abstract expressionist work like a moth to a flame.  And the work of Delray…

Artsy on Escape Into Life Paintings

Artsy on Escape Into Life: Dwayne Butcher

Sometimes the simplest work can be the most powerful.  I’m really drawn to these graphic, color-blocked paintings by Dwayne Butcher that I’ve posted over on Escape Into Life today.  Go check ’em out! Dwayne Butcher on Escape Into Life…

Daily Artsy Paintings

Precious Specimens: Carly Waito

So often, when we see gems & minerals, it is rarely in their natural state.  After they’ve been cut and polished and set, they seem to lose some of their inherent beauty and mystery.  Toronto artist Carly Waito pays homage…

Daily Artsy Paintings

Flourishing Decay: Vincent Bakkum

As soon as we are born, we begin to die.  That may be a gloomy thought, but we begin the circle of life at birth and it seems, now more than ever, we fight as hard as we can…

Design Foraging Mixed Media Paintings

Friday Faves: Circle Circle Dot Dot

Pretty sure I read in the latest InStyle Magazine ( we all have our guilty pleasures! ) that polka dots are big for spring.  Maybe it’s the influence of Damien Hirst’s spot paintings.  Here are some more artists marking…