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Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Fashion Fragmented: Amanda Clyne

If you were around for artsyFASHIONWeek, you may already have an inkling of my interest in the relationship between fashion and art.  Lately, I’ve been thinking more and more about the influence of the fashion industry, what the clothes…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

You’ve Come A Long Way to Bring Home the Bacon, Baby: Kelly Reemtsen

Growing up, I wanted to be Audrey Hepburn.  Or Doris Day.  Or any of the beautiful, plucky, well-dressed heroines of the 50’s and 60’s.  I longed for the “good ol’ days”.  When women dressed up in hats and gloves…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Vintage Vignettes: Anna Magruder

There’s something you should know about me, Artsies.  I grew up completely immersed in the styles of past eras.  My dad loves “classic Chevy’s“, that’s 1955, ’56 & ’57 Chevrolets, for those not in the know, and a lot…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

Art Powered By Passion, Coffee and Big Talent: Christina Baker

I have a confession to make, Artsies.  I have been remiss.  Since the beginning of Artsy Forager, I’ve had Christina Baker listed as a Pick of the Crop artist, and save for a few mentions in Friday Faves and…

Daily Artsy Paintings

Miniature Manifestations: Laurel Bustamante

Birds have a long history of symbolism in art.  Their meanings through the years have been as varied as their colors.   Oregon artist Laurel Bustamante has taken the symbolism a step further, creating imaginary birds that represent what…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

Abstracted Ambiguity: John Dempcy

Georges Braque said,  “There is only one valuable thing in art. The thing you can’t explain”.  The best of abstract art is, in my opinion, work that is so ambiguous that trying to explain it is kind of pointless.…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Bare Naked Portraits: Lu Cong

Remember when I said that I have a wish list of portrait artists?  Well, modern portrait artist Lu Cong has been at the top of the heap for quite a while.  He infuses his portraits with a soft glow…

Daily Artsy Landscapes Paintings

America The Surreal: Deborah Martin

America is often a strange place and seems to just keep getting stranger.  Los Angeles artist Deborah Martin captures the sad desolation found across our country  in her poignant paintings. Her use of a limited, pastel neutral palette softens…

Daily Artsy Paintings

Make Way For Pamela’s Parade: Pamela Durga Robinson

Everyone loves a parade, don’t they?  Well, I certainly do.  And Seattle artist Pamela Durga Robinson’s Parade series brilliantly captures the spirits of the parts that make the whole. She choses to isolate the individual players– band members, clowns,…

Daily Artsy Paintings Sculpture

Deconstructing Beauty: Christina Chalmers

As you probably noticed during the recent artsyF A S H I O N Week, I have a keen interest in the gray areas where art and fashion collide.  What we wear and it’s design is such an integrated…