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Artsy Happenings

LATITUDE Show & Series

Finding Latitude. Yosemite.

Back when we spent a year on the Northern California coast, one thing ( besides snow in winter ) we found ourselves really missing– big mountains.  The coastal mountains have their own drama and magnificence but we really missed…

LATITUDE Show & Series

Finding Latitude. The Olympics.

When lamenting my delay in beginning to paint seriously again, an artist friend told me–  you needed time to fill up.  Looking back on the experiences of the last five years, I realized how very right she was.  Florida has its…

LATITUDE Show & Series

Defining Latitude.

LATITUDE has two meanings– 1 | the angular distance north or south from the equator of a point onthe earth’s surface, measured on the meridian of the point. 2 | freedom, room to move Before I was approached by Teresa…

Artsy Happenings

See. Jealously Curated.

Hiya artsies!  I’ve been super sick this week with a horrible cold– that always seems to happen around the holidays, doesn’t it?  But I just had to pop in and tell you about this amazing show opening at Voltage…

Artsy Happenings

Moving Forward.

It seems like a long time since I’ve caught ya’ll up on what’s going on with my studio practice.  Has it really been a year?  Yikes!  If you follow along on social media, you know that I’ve still been…

Artsy Happenings Exhibitions

Artsy Happening. Continental Shift Seattle

We can all relate to being a part of a non-traditional family.  Whether you’re a member of a blended “step” family, the parent or child in a same-sex led family, or have created your own definition of a family…

Artsy Happenings

Artsy Happening: Announcing the Artsy Forager Collection for Mantle Art !!

If you’re following along with my Foraging on social media, you may have seen me let a little cat out of the bag last week.. Since the end of last year, I’ve been working on a limited edition collaboration…

Artsy Happenings Daily Artsy Exhibitions Galleries

Artsy Happening: April Arts Alive! in Eureka

You guys, we are loving our new little town so much!  Since we arrived, everyone’s been telling me how many artists there are here in Eureka and that we must check out the monthly art walk, ArtsAlive.  It was…

Artsy Happenings

Artsy Happening: A New Instagram Project! And Two Continuing Series

You guys.  I am having way too much fun over on Instagram!  I’m finding so many ways to be creative and hopefully encourage others to embrace their inner Artsy!  I’m on Day 29 of my #colorforaging2014 project, mixing up…