Daily Artsy Landscapes Mixed Media

Surfaces. Mila Libman.

We have a tendency to make snap judgements, to see in monochromes.  You believe “A”, so you must be “B”.  We quickly demonize and categorize without knowing the full story.

In her monochromatic pastel and ink drawings, artist Mila Libman finishes with what is so often our beginning, a distillation of an impression.

Mila Libman | artsy forager #art #artists #drawings  #fineart #water Mila Libman | artsy forager #art #artists #drawings  #fineart #water Mila Libman | artsy forager #art #artists #drawings  #fineart #water Mila Libman | artsy forager #art #artists #drawings  #fineart #water Mila Libman | artsy forager #art #artists #drawings  #fineart #water

How often do we refuse to see past our initial perception, to give another the opportunity to be understood and appreciated?  Social media these days is a firestorm of quick judgements often based on very little truth.  Perhaps we have only ourselves to blame, selves that are so wrapped up in our surfaces that we fail to allow our depths to be explored.

To see more of Mila Libman‘s work, please visit her website.

Artist found via K. Imperial Fine Art.  Images via K. Imperial Fine Art and the artist’s website.

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Sculpture

Crevices. Sean Newport.

As humans, none of us are one dimensional.  We are a mashed up conglomerate of peaks and valleys, opposing polarities that often don’t make sense.  It is when we reach below the surface, into the crevices where the true self often hides, that we see ourselves and our fellow beings in reality, for better or worse.

In his wood sculptures, San Francisco artist Sean Newport begins with individual geometric shapes, building them up and arranging them into a finished whole.

Sean Newport | artsy forager #art #artists #sculpture Sean Newport | artsy forager #art #artists #sculpture #paper Sean Newport | artsy forager #art #artists #sculpture #paper Sean Newport | artsy forager #art #artists #sculpture #paper Sean Newport | artsy forager #art #artists #sculpture #paper


Varied colored surfaces reinforce patterns and illusions created by the undulating geometrics.    Our perception of the shapes changing with differing perspectives.  Just as opening our eyes to a different view of another may alter the way we see them, or at the very least, help us to understand the crevices behind their own facade.

To see more of Sean Newport’s work, please visit his website.

All images are via the artist’s website.

Daily Artsy Figurative Photography

Temporal. Bill Armstrong.

This is my first blog post since my mom left this earth.  It has been seventeen days.  We were lucky in that we had time to prepare, time to say goodbye, but it still doesn’t seem real.  I can still hear her voice in my head, that musical little “Hi Les!” that always greeted me on the other end of the phone line.  I still see her in my dreams, but she is never sick, always whole, always the way I most remember her, the way I want to remember.

Bill Armstrong | artsy forager #art #artists #photography Bill Armstrong | artsy forager #art #artists #photography Bill Armstrong | artsy forager #art #artists #photography Bill Armstrong | artsy forager #art #artists #photography Bill Armstrong | artsy forager #art #artists #photography


It was a harrowing, heartbreaking experience, to watch someone you love so much slowly slip away.  The hospice nurses marveled that she held on as long as she did– that she must have had some sort of unfinished business to tend to.  But those who knew her well knew that she would let go of her tortured body in her own good time.  Always the boss, always organized and in control, she would decide when.

If there is anything I’ve taken away from this last year of my mom’s life, it is that we have no guarantees. She never should have been gone at only sixty seven.  There were still plans to be made, life to be lived, grandchildren to watch grow up.  If my mom could be gone, then so could my husband, so could my brothers, so could I.  I’ve been left with a resolve to follow my passions more fully, bask in each day more completely, love more abundantly.  I have today and for now it is enough.

These photographs by Bill Armstrong reminded me of the fleeting nature of our lives on this earth.  To see more of his work, please visit his website.

Artist found via Dolby Chadwick Gallery.  Images via the artist’s website.

Daily Artsy Paintings

Temporaries. Ann Chamberlin.

We are all in some ways living transitory lives.  None of us are here forever, though some, like Mr. F and I, find ourselves moving from place to place quite often.  Sometimes we stay in one spot long enough that we begin to be recognized at the local coffee shop, but about the time that begins to happen, we move on to the next locale.

Vaiven, New Paintings from Mexico, a new series of paintings by artist Ann Chamberlin now showing at Lora Schlesinger Gallery take their inspiration by the transitory places we find ourselves in– hotels, airports, campgrounds– and the lives and tales unfolding as people drift in and out.
Ann Chamberlin | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings Ann Chamberlin | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings Ann Chamberlin | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings Ann Chamberlin | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings Ann Chamberlin | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings


Chamberlin’s paintings, seen from a not-quite-bird’s-eye view, show a quick glimpse into a moment in these places.  The unremarkable moments are seen, the instances that don’t necessarily burn into our memory, yet are essential to the way these places of transitions feel and function.  For a time we are part of a collective when we find ourselves in these spots.  There’s a kind of kindredship and bonding that happens when we meet others moving through the same space, coming and going to and from so many varied experiences.

To see more of Ann Chamberlin‘s work, please visit her website.  Vaiven, New Paintings from Mexico will be showing at Lora Schlesinger Gallery in LA through July 11, 2015.  If you’re in SoCal, go see it!

All images are via Lora Schlesinger Gallery.

Abstract Art Paintings

Swirls. Rosalind Breen.

A dear friend told me a few years ago that I seemed swirly happy.  It was less than a year after Mr. F and I had married and started traveling.  My world had completely changed and though I was still getting used to the changes, my giddiness at my new life must have been pretty obvious.

Mr. F still makes me swirly, as does our crazy adventure filled life.  But over the last few years , we’ve encountered a few storms that have left us whirling instead of swirling.

Rosalind Breen | artsy forager #art #artists #abstractart #paintings Rosalind Breen | artsy forager #art #artists #abstractart #paintings Rosalind Breen | artsy forager #art #artists #abstractart #paintings Rosalind Breen | artsy forager #art #artists #abstractart #paintings Rosalind Breen | artsy forager #art #artists #abstractart #paintings


Back in those early days, we were working to pay off debt, but otherwise pretty carefree and swirly.  Then Mr. F thought he might go back to school– whirl.  We thought staying in Seattle would be for us, but it turned out it wasn’t– whirl.  I started picking up freelance work– whirl ( and swirl, but somedays more whirl than swirl 😉 ).  We began seriously saving for a home– whirl.  The Mr.’s stepmom got sick, our best friends’ sister/sister-in-law was diagnosed with cancer and their son diagnosed with a form of muscular dystrophy, my mom began her own fight with cancer and is losing– whirl whirl whirl whirl.

These days it often seems the whirls outnumber the swirls.  It’s easy to get swept up in the tornado of stress and worry that plagues each day.  But then we go for a walk under a gentle breeze and a bright blue sky and the swirls return.

The paintings featured above are by Providence artist Rosalind Breen.  To see more of her work, please visit her website.

All images are via the artist’s website.

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Drawing

Immersions. Kathleen Holder.

As we travel, each place becomes a part of who we are, who we are becoming.  We carry their influence with us.  Some penetrate and saturate us more than others. These pastels by Texas artist Kathleen Holder catch me right in the soul with their soft light and eerie depth.

Kathleen Holder | artsy forager #art #artists #pastels #abstractart Kathleen Holder | artsy forager #art #artists #pastels #abstractart Kathleen Holder | artsy forager #art #artists #pastels #abstractart Kathleen Holder | artsy forager #art #artists #pastels #abstractart Kathleen Holder | artsy forager #art #artists #pastels #abstractart

Every person has a different way of experiencing each place.  The way we are affected might be due to the place itself or some other influence.  Some eyes are drawn to stark contrasts, while others look more for the slight changes in light and tone around them.  Through burnished layers of pastel, Holder creates monochromatic, saturated abstracts that seem to go on into infinity.  It almost seems that if we stepped into their plane, we might come out covered in color.

To see more of Kathleen Holder‘s work, please visit her website.

Artist found via David Lusk Gallery.  All images via the David Lusk website.

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Mixed Media

Discordants. Caroline Bullock.

It’s funny how we try to make sense of everything these days.  The mystery has been removed from so many elements of life that we have this need to have an explanation for everything.  We ask why and then are frustrated if we can’t find the answer.  In her series of works on paper, Atlanta artist Caroline Bullock explores the hidden geometries in nature and how we connect ourselves within these structures.

Caroline Bullock | artsy forager #art #artists #abstractart #fineart Caroline Bullock | artsy forager #art #artists #abstractart #fineart Caroline Bullock | artsy forager #art #artists #abstractart #fineart Caroline Bullock | artsy forager #art #artists #abstractart #fineart Caroline Bullock | artsy forager #art #artists #abstractart #fineart


It’s fascinating to think about how everything in the natural world often seems so random, yet there is so much order to be found.  This flower blooms at this time every year.  These animals only like this particular area of a vast world.  Orcas know instinctually to migrate thousands of miles each year.  Why can’t we be more like that?  We rely so much of facts and perceived truths, we rarely seek out answers by our own faith and intuition.  Perhaps if we did we might be as successful at life as those redwoods reaching for the sky.

To see more of Caroline Bullock‘s work, please visit her website.

All images are via the artist’s website.  Artist found via Amy Parry Projects.

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Colors. James Rieck.

Beauty is often found in its purest form– a hidden waterfall, the smiling face of a child, the soft wrinkles of a grandmother’s hand.  But other times, perfection is manufactured and beauty hides a darker truth.  In his ColorSafe series, Los Angeles artist James Rieck spins the glossy glamour of 1960s and 70s catalogue models into a look at social contradictions happening then and now still.

James Rieck | artsy forager #art #artists #painitngs #figurativeart #fineart James Rieck | artsy forager #art #artists #painitngs #figurativeart #fineart James Rieck | artsy forager #art #artists #painitngs #figurativeart #fineart James Rieck | artsy forager #art #artists #painitngs #figurativeart #fineart James Rieck | artsy forager #art #artists #painitngs #figurativeart #fineart


Rieck takes the ubiquitous catalogue model poses and reinterprets them– painting them in such a hyperrealistic way that they take on a now too-glossy, unreal quality.  In pairs, one light skinned model, one dark, the figures wear the same brightly colored and patterned fashions of the day, similar smiles on their cropped faces.  The playing field seems oddly leveled– equality, acceptance and coexistence seemingly achieved.  But there’s an underlying tension.  The dark skinned figure usually slightly behind the lighter or somehow leaning in to her counterpart.  Subtle, but there.  Equality in idea, but not in reality.

To see more of James Rieck’s work, please visit his website.

All images are via the artist’s website.  Artist found via It’s Nice That.

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Wrinkles. Elizabeth Chapin.

Aging is not for the faint of heart.  Now that I’m truly and well into my, ahem, forties(!!), I know this to be true.  Metabolism is no longer my friend and each day seems to bring a new grey hair spotted, an ache in a previously undiscovered muscle.  Our culture celebrates, even idolizes youth.  Instead of seeing the elderly among us as founts of knowledge, wisdom, and experience, we cast them aside.  We search instead for the latest in what is fashionable among the young.

Elizabeth Chapin | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings #fineart Elizabeth Chapin | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings #fineart Elizabeth Chapin | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings #fineart Elizabeth Chapin | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings #fineart Elizabeth Chapin | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings #fineart


These paintings by Austin artist Elizabeth Chapin seem to celebrate the dignity and beauty that comes only with age.  I’m not immune to longing for more youthful days– especially when I was a smaller by a few dress sizes.  But I recently listened to an interview with actress Frances McDormand on aging and something she said really struck me– those lines on your face are a map of your life.  Every wrinkle was earned in some way, whether through hard work or a life filled with laughter.  What we lose in smooth skin and toned muscles we gain experience no fountain of youth can replace.

To see more of Elizabeth Chapin‘s work, please visit her website.

All images are via the artist’s website.  Artist found via Wally Workman Gallery.

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

Depths. Vicky Barranguet.

We find ourselves in a superficial world.  Most days, the bulk of our interactions may be on the “like/dislike” spectrum.  We send quick quips on social media to people we barely know or haven’t actually spoken to in years.  Because we seem to know so much about the surface lives of the people in our networks, it can be challenging to go deeper.

Vicky Barranguet | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings #abstractart Vicky Barranguet | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings #abstractart Vicky Barranguet | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings #abstractart Vicky Barranguet | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings #abstractart Vicky Barranguet | artsy forager #art #artists #paintings #abstractart


These paintings by New York artist Vicky Barranguet reminded me of the beautiful messiness that can come when moving beyond the surface.  We might be initially drawn to someone through shared interest or similar personalities but when we are brave enough to pass through the layers, the more common ground we find.  Things may get a bit messy as we reveal ourselves and others do the same but there is great beauty to be found in the deeper chaos.

To see more of Vicky Barranguet‘s work, please visit her website.

All images are via the artist’s website.  Artist found via Saatchi Art.