Sometimes, all it takes is a slight shift to see things from a completely new perspective. I’ve always loved the slight glimpses seen through doorway cracks and angled views. These minimalist collages by Paris based artist Rosemarie Aubserson with their…
Mr. F and I are generally cheerful, non-moody people, but we each have what we call our “blah” days. You know the ones, the days when you just aren’t feeling quite yourself, the days when all you want to…
It is the unique gift of an artist to create beauty from the unexpected, to look at a thing and see its potential in a way no one else does. In her A Sacred Space series, Baltimore artist Rosemary…
The sea or the snow? The sea or the snow. Mr. F and I go back and forth on this question frequently. While spending the winter in Idaho, we decided on snow. But now that we are on the…
Well, Artsies, Mr. F & I have said goodbye to Idaho and hello to California! And we all wished a fond farewell to February and wish a bright and cheery welcome to March and this month’s new Featured Artist,…
It’s been a stressful few weeks, ya’ll. Whenever we get toward the end of Mr. Forager’s contract and we start looking at new places to go, the stress just piles on. The whole process is definitely not for the…
In between working on my Feminine Wiles series, I found some time to create a couple of paintings for two girls. One for a girl anyone has yet to meet and the other for a girl I know and…
I can’t freehand a straight line to save my life. But when I was studying Interior Design for a few years, I loved drafting. Sliding my mechanical pencil along the T-square, everything became so precise and orderly, there was…
Many artists are collectors of some sort. Whether collectors of the fleeting and untouchable such as memories or moments, or of more tangible things in which they see a beauty that others may not. Artist Susanna Sundman creates the…
When I gaze at the work of February’s Featured Artist Jenny Brown, which I’ve been doing a lot this month, it makes me long for the sea. These creatures of the deep and the shallows that she creates out…