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Fashion Paintings Wear the Artsy

Wear the Artsy: Christy Kinard

January can be a tough month for some folks.  I love the winter, but I understand how the cold air, brown grass and gray skies can get ya down.  Which is why I love the work of this month’s…

Artsy Happenings

Artsy Happening: I Am.. #acontributor #selfie #miniproject on Instagram

My friend Veronica and I had an interesting discussion recently about women and photography.  Specifically, how so often the wife and mom ends up missing from so many photographs because she is usually the force behind the camera, eager…

Daily Artsy Figurative Sculpture

Grand Flora: Matt Wedel

One of the things that continues to draw Mr. F and I to the Northwest is the bigness of this world.  Everything just seems to exist on a grand scale here– trees tower, mountains loom, rivers stretch far and…

Artsy Reads

Artsy Reads: Lessons Learned from Lee Krasner

It seems a long while since I shared thoughts on my latest artsy read!  As a woman, it does follow that I’ve always been interested in the female artists who’ve made their marks on art history.  But lately, I’d…

Daily Artsy Photography

Sculpted Illusions: Erin O’Keefe

So much of what we see depends on how our eyes and brain work to create perception.  Last week, I shared the work of a photographer who creates work to change our perception of the body.  In her series,…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

The Not-So Secret Lives of Artists: Holly Frean

What drew me to my college art history major wasn’t just the artwork itself, which obviously astounded me, but it was the stories of the artists themselves and how the way they lived influenced their work that fascinated me.…

Daily Artsy Figurative Photography

The Body Sculptural: Isabelle Wenzel

‘Tis the season for transformational decision making aka New Year’s resolutions. We’ve all made our lists of who we’d like to be by the end of 2014– physically, mentally, emotionally.  We start off the year with such hopes and…

Finding My Own Artsy

Finding My Own Artsy: #colorforaging2014!!

Have you made a list of resolutions for the new year?  I’ve come to prefer the term goals instead, as something to shoot for, rather than promises to myself I’ll feel guilty about when I fail to keep them.…

Daily Artsy Landscapes Paintings

Sparkle in the Decay: Jared Small

Mr. Forager and I have been talking a lot lately about our eventual home.  We have no idea where exactly it will be located, but we keep honing in on what our wants and needs will be.  While we…

Artsy Forager Featured Artist Daily Artsy Still Life

January Featured Artist: Christy Kinard

Happy 2014, Artsies!  I can hardly believe we have turned the calendar over to a new year so soon!  2013 was a year filled with changes and opportunities, some worked out, some didn’t, but I hope we all have…