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Artsy About Town

Artsy Around Town: Hwy 62 Art Touring

It seems like every Fall when the Open Studios and Art Tours gear up we seem to just miss them.  So I was elated to know we would be able to spend a Saturday checking out some of the…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

The Poetic Palette: Brianna Angelakis

Reading an enthralling tale comes pretty close to the joy I get from viewing incredible artwork.  Some of my absolute favorite books have been the work of “classic” female authors such as Charlotte Bronte and Jane Austen.  I still…

Design Foraging Interiors

Friday Design Finds: If These Walls Could Draw

Happy Friday, Artsies!!  You may have noticed that the Friday round-ups have been a bit more design oriented of late.  It wasn’t intentional on my part at first, but once I noticed it, I decided to just dive in…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Flashbacks & Snapshots : Diego Gravinese

There are some artists whose work I respond to on a visceral level, visually.  I see it.  I love it.  I don’t have to know what it’s about or the super secret story behind the meaning of each piece.…

Curated Persona Galleries

Guest Foraging for UGallery: Curated Persona:  Zombie Attack Survivalist

It’s that time of the month..  for a little guest foraging over on the UGallery blog for my Curated Persona series.  I’m not a fan of super scariness, but I love art that’s just a bit spooky.   Check it…

Daily Artsy Landscapes Mixed Media

Under an Urban Sky: Jennifer Seymour

I don’t know what it is about this time of year, but it makes me crave a big city.  A city with bustling sidewalks and tall buildings.  Mr. Forager and I are still trying to figure out if we’re urban…

Artsy on Escape Into Life Photography

Artsy on Escape Into Life: Jen Gotch

I recently saw a clip of Jim Gaffigan in which he does a riff on our modern propensity to take photos of everything and then post them on all of our various social media outlets.  I’ll admit, I’m guilty of…

Daily Artsy Drawing

Psychedelic Precision: Louise Despont

Although I’m a pretty detail-oriented person, my own drafting and drawing style is much more intuitive than precise.  Architectural drafting was torture for me.  So the exquisitely elaborate and deliberate compositions of Brooklyn artist Louise Despont leave me speechless.…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

The Feminine Mystique: Pam Hawkes

We are all guilty of over-sharing these days.  Thanks to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Four Square, etc., the world has become privy to our innermost thoughts, what we ate for lunch, how many miles we ran that day.  We…

Art News

Artsy in Print: New Feature in Arbus Magazine

I am super excited to announce that Artsy Forager is now a regular feature in print!  Arbus, an arts and business magazine in my old ‘hood of Northeast Florida will regularly be running select Artsy Forager features beginning with…