Its so easy sometimes to lose sight of exactly who we are. Circumstances bend and shape us in ways we didn’t foresee and then one day, we glance in the mirror and don’t recognize the face looking back. The…
You have to walk before you can run. But you see things more clearly when you’re walking, you know? So it goes with black & white vs. color. In art school, we were all taught to begin with a…
When we go out hiking, Mr. Forager is, with the exception of gorging on huckleberries and the like, strictly a leave-it-as-you-found-it hiker. I am too, for the most part, although I sometimes find myself so very tempted by that…
I just discovered the most horrible accident! It seems that WordPress in all her annoying glory never posted this Guest Forager feature back in April! And I just discovered the “missed schedule” post. For shame! So today you get…
One of my favorite things about social media is being able to watch an artist blossom and discover their voice. Maybe you recognize the name of today’s artist, perhaps better known as the founder and editor of the amazing…
Sometimes we get so tied to a certain idea, person, or place, that we hold onto it so very tightly. That thing we’ve longed for finally comes to us, but it isn’t what we expected. And although things begin…
While I appreciate masterfully drafted, detailed drawing as much as the next artsy, what really gets my heart pumpin’ is a looser, more child-like style. So the work of Spanish artist Paz Lopez immediately caught my eye when I…
I may have mentioned Mr. Forager has taken up beer making. Lately he has been obsessed with finding out the best methods and practices for brewing the perfect beer. He recently told me about a fellow brewer he found…
As a young girl, my favorite books where those filled with delicately drawn illustrations portraying the fantastical world of dancing princes, ogres and pretty maidens. Those drawings would become so ingrained in my mind that if I dreamed of…
At times, there is much disparity in the art world between skill and talent level vs. level of fame and success achieved. There are some mediums in which it seems easier to get by on mediocrity than in others.…