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figurative art

Daily Artsy Figurative Photography

Behind the Curtain: Patty Carroll

Mr. Forager and I are without a home.  We have a roof over our heads always, but as we move from furnished rental to furnished rental, none of them are actually home.  A place that is ours, filled with…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Figurative Mixed Media

Surfaced Memories: Jane Hambleton

Thumbing through an old photo album.  Spending an afternoon sifting through the contents of a cedar chest.  These are things I took for granted before we started traveling.  I’m even a bit envious of friends posting childhood photos of…

Daily Artsy Figurative Sculpture

The Mirror Has Many Faces: Reinhard Voss

The We Are the Contributors mini project got me thinking recently about the various roles we play.  Yet we aren’t just taking on different tasks, we’re often putting on an almost completely different persona according to where we are and…

Daily Artsy Figurative Sculpture

Grand Flora: Matt Wedel

One of the things that continues to draw Mr. F and I to the Northwest is the bigness of this world.  Everything just seems to exist on a grand scale here– trees tower, mountains loom, rivers stretch far and…

Daily Artsy Figurative Photography

The Body Sculptural: Isabelle Wenzel

‘Tis the season for transformational decision making aka New Year’s resolutions. We’ve all made our lists of who we’d like to be by the end of 2014– physically, mentally, emotionally.  We start off the year with such hopes and…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Affronting Our Fronts: Tristan Pigott

We all want to present ourselves in the best way possible.  But with the infiltration of social media into every aspect of our lives, its tempting to cross the line over from putting our best foot forward to presenting…

Daily Artsy Figurative Mixed Media

Stories Retold: Marybeth Rothman

When I was young, one of my favorite grandmother’s house activities was to sit with her and go through the piles and piles of photo albums she meticulously collected and kept.  I was enchanted by seeing my grandparents when…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Life, Lived Larger: Andrew Salgado

For many, our life may seem filled with adventure.  And at times, it is.  But most days, its a normal sort of existence, the kind that consists of work, laundry, dirty dishes and too much tv.  These large scale…

Design Foraging Fashion

Design Foraging: Sarah Ashley Longshore at Anthropologie

I love everything that Sarah Ashley Longshore does.  You can see all the evidence right here on the blog.  And when she teams up with one of my favorite retailers, well, I just can’t resist sharing the artsy goodness…

Daily Artsy Photography

Moving In Shadow: Nanna Hanninen

Do you ever feel like life isn’t quite real?  Like you’re sleep walking or drifting in and out of a surreal existence.  Occasionally, I get the strangest sense of deja vu.  Its like finding yourself in a place you…