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Artsy Forager Featured Artist Daily Artsy Still Life

January Featured Artist: Christy Kinard

Happy 2014, Artsies!  I can hardly believe we have turned the calendar over to a new year so soon!  2013 was a year filled with changes and opportunities, some worked out, some didn’t, but I hope we all have…

Daily Artsy Fashion Sculpture

Splendorous Adornments: Takaya Hanayushi

We’re so casual these days.  Heck, all my high heels are in storage, I probably won’t see them again until around 2018!  But there are days when I miss getting dressed up.  Remember that careful giving I was going…

Daily Artsy Paintings

In Sunshine and Shadow: Jill Sykes

As you may have noticed if you read my recap of the past few weeks, we’ve experienced a myriad of climates and landscapes recently.  While the sunny skies of Southern California were a welcome sight, there is still something…

Daily Artsy Photography

Moving In Shadow: Nanna Hanninen

Do you ever feel like life isn’t quite real?  Like you’re sleep walking or drifting in and out of a surreal existence.  Occasionally, I get the strangest sense of deja vu.  Its like finding yourself in a place you…

Daily Artsy Landscapes Paintings

Cathartic Nature: Erin Lynn Welsh

Different minds require different types of rest and healing.  Some, like mine, and I suspect that of Brooklyn artist Erin Lynn Welsh, require some quiet time in the big beautiful outdoors to rejuvenate and recoup. Being outside, away from…

Daily Artsy Paintings Watercolors

Awaiting the Return: Kiana Mosely

We are now well into November and the holiday season is approaching at lightning speed ( see yesterday’s Artsy Holiday post, early I know, but I couldn’t resist! ).  The brilliant October color has yielded to the breezes and…

Collage Daily Artsy Drawing Mixed Media Still Life

Woodland Treasures: Marilla Palmer

When we go out hiking, Mr. Forager is, with the exception of gorging on huckleberries and the like, strictly a leave-it-as-you-found-it hiker.  I am too, for the most part, although I sometimes find myself so very tempted by that…

Daily Artsy Paintings Still Life

Fresh Graphics: Kate Mullin

Days are getting shorter, nights are cooler, and kids everywhere are headed back to school.  Summer’s end is near, and as much as I’m looking forward to the arrival of my favorite season, I do hate to see some…

Daily Artsy Paintings

Vanishing Nature: Myong Stebbins

For Mr. Forager and I, the natural world plays a big role in who we are, what strengthens and calms us. Getting out among the trees and streams renews our energy and every time we go, we are reminded…