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Heavenly by Carlos Lopez
Daily Artsy Paintings Still Life

Finding the Pearl: Carlos Lopez

You know the old wives’ tale: oysters are an aphrodisiac.  How many single guys have taken a gal out for beer & oysters hoping to make a lil magic happen?  If it’s sensual magic you’re hunting, look no further…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 1 [ Artsy & Mr. Forager Go to San Diego, We Meet The Sweater ]

One thing I’ve been thinking about lately is how to inject more of myself into the blog.  Don’t get me wrong, this is definitely not going to turn into the Artsy & Mr. Forager show.. but the way we…

Design Foraging Paintings Sculpture

Friday Faves:  Mmmm.. Donuts!

Please pardon the Homer Simpson impression!  What is it about those little round, doughy rings?  Frosted or glazed, we love them all.  Here are a few artists who’ve captured the spirit of our passion for these sweet treats. Emily…

Figurative Paintings

Naked Abandon: Lee Price

Sometimes, I find an artist’s work so powerful, that I can’t write about it immediately.  When I found New York artist Lee Price’s work, I wanted to share it as soon as possible, but just couldn’t write about it…

Mixed Media Paintings Sculpture

Friday Faves: Are You a Sweet Genius?

Tell me ya’ll have at least seen the commercials for Food Network’s Sweet Genius show.  If you haven’t, you are missing out on some unintentional hilarity!  Hubby and I can’t help but imitate host Ron Ben-Israel each time he…

The Artsy Everyday

The Artsy Everyday: Is That Your Art in My Coffee?

I always get a little thrill when I get a tiny foam work of art in my coffee.…

Daily Artsy Paintings Still Life

Friday Faves: Eat. Drink. Be Artsy.

The hubby and I love food.  Eating food.  Buying food.  Cooking food.  Talking about eating, buying and cooking food.  We plan trips around where we will eat.  For us, food is more than just a way to provide energy…