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Jim Draper

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Landscapes Mixed Media Paintings

Friday Forager Faves: Treehuggers

Please enjoy this oldie by goodie while I spend the next two weeks camping, packing, visiting with the mom-in-law and moving from WA to OR. See you in September! There is nothing I love better than a day spent…

Daily Artsy Exhibitions Mixed Media Paintings

Are Chickens the New Black?

I admit, I’m not always up on the very latest trends, I am in my 30’s after all.  I knew all about the “Put a Bird On It” trend, but had no idea that art featuring chickens had become…

Daily Artsy Paintings Photography

Friday Faves:  Put A Bird On It

It seems that the hipster craft craze has given birds a bad name in the art world.  If you’ve seen the “Put a Bird On it” sketch from IFC’s hilarious Portlandia, you know what I’m talkin’ about.  Bird “art”…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Design Foraging Figurative Paintings Photography

Friday Forager Faves:  Horsin’ Around

Artists have long held a fascination for horses.  Some of the earliest cave drawings were filled with equine imagery.  Modern artists are no different.  Today’s faves feature artists with a penchant for ponies.  Enjoy! Happy Friday!  Hope your weekend…