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Joe Segal

Art News

Artsy in Print: New Feature in Arbus Magazine

I am super excited to announce that Artsy Forager is now a regular feature in print!  Arbus, an arts and business magazine in my old ‘hood of Northeast Florida will regularly be running select Artsy Forager features beginning with…

Design Foraging Sculpture

Friday Faves: A Walk in the Woods

I’ve made no secret here of how enamored I am by trees.  There is just something so inherently beautiful within the elements of a tree, it isn’t any wonder than artists whose work utilizes wood possess such natural grace…

Art to Inspiration Mixed Media Sculpture

Art to Inspiration: Jo Howe

Wow.  Has another month really gone by already?  It’s Art to Inspiration time again!  This month’s inspiration, Echoes of Fragrant Voices by Jo Howe inspires me on so many levels.  Her sculptures, created from book pages ( love level…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Sculpture

Pick of the Crop:  Not Your Average Joe

Here in the Northwest, the trees are so spectacular that they grab your attention and demand to be noticed and admired.  St. Augustine, Florida artist Joe Segal’s work does the same.  His sculptures are a celebration of these kings of…