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mixed media

Daisies at Bellair by Pamphilon
Daily Artsy Mixed Media Paintings Still Life

A Special Ordinary: Elaine Pamphilon

What did we do before the days Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to record the beauty of every day life?  How would anyone know how lovely my lunch might be on any given day?  I don’t think UK artist Elaine…

Vertically Integrated Model for Multi-Climate Living by Joseph Phillips
Daily Artsy Landscapes Mixed Media Paintings

Dissected Perfection: Joseph Phillips

As we travel and move from rental to rental, Mr. Forager and I talk a lot about our future permanent home. We think about our ideal life, which, aside from a smallish house in the Northwest, can be a…

Exhibitions Galleries This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 10 [ Stuff We Did. Stuff We Didn’t Do. ]

Please forgive me for getting this latest This Artsy Life post up a bit tardy. The last seven days have been a bit out of whack around these parts, with our beloved ( and much relyed on! ) Macbook…

Small Overload by Simon DeGroot
Daily Artsy Mixed Media Paintings

The Abstract and The Absurd: Simon DeGroot

Confession: there are times when I am bored by art.  Not often, but Mr. Forager will testify that it’s pretty obvious when I’m not crazy about the work I’m looking at.. my eyes just kinda glaze over or even…

Lolly by Kim Squaglia
Abstract Art Daily Artsy Mixed Media Paintings

Suspended Effervescence: Kim Squaglia

Ever throw a party, then wake up the next morning to a completely disheveled house, yet revel in the knowledge that you know a good time was had?  The work of California artist Kim Squaglia, with its effusive confetti-like…

Lounge by Kim Cadmus Owens
Daily Artsy Mixed Media Paintings

Landscape, Interrupted: Kim Cadmus Owens

During our time here in Joshua Tree, Mr. Forager & I often find ourselves talking about what makes this place so different compared to everywhere else we’ve lived.  Apart from the obvious, there is such an openness to the…

Artsy on Escape Into Life collage Mixed Media

Artsy on Escape Into Life: Pascaline Dargant

Collage seems to be the “it” medium these days.  And why not?  It takes a gifted eye for composition, color, and visual texture to make a collage that stands out amid the throng.  French artist Pascaline Dargant’s collages are…

Castle in the Sky by Jan Zoya
Abstract Art Daily Artsy Mixed Media Paintings

Serendipitous Journeys: Jan Zoya

21st century humans are over thinkers.  In this age of almost unlimited information access, we Google it, Wikipedia it, overanalyzing most anything and everything that comes our way.  The moments in which we just lose ourselves to what is…

Stripes and Roses by Christy Kinard
Daily Artsy Mixed Media Paintings

Bundles of Blossoms: Christy Kinard

Happy Valentine’s Day, Artsies!  Back in my singleton days, February 14th brought out the snarky cynic in me.  I even owned and regularly sported a “Love Stinks” t-shirt.  But ever since Mr. Forager finally realized he loved me, I’ve…

Deesse I by Delphine Lebourgeois
Daily Artsy Drawing Mixed Media

Fanciful Fascinations: Delphine Lebourgeois

As a young girl, my favorite books where those filled with delicately drawn illustrations portraying the fantastical world of dancing princes, ogres and pretty maidens.  Those drawings would become so ingrained in my mind that if I dreamed of…