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mixed media

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Mixed Media Paintings

Saturated Fluidity: Anne Harper

I am craving color.  It seems like spring has sprung everywhere except where we are.  Don’t get me wrong, I love winter, but after almost 4 months without flowers, I am ready for blooming!  So it should be no surprise…

Design Foraging Mixed Media Paintings

Friday Faves: Branching Out

Hubby and I are treehuggers.  Not in a holier-than-thou, I-always-recycle, never-ever-use-plastic-grocery-bags kind of way ( though there may be a little of that ), we’re more the Babe!-did-you-see-the-size-of-that-tree, doesn’t-that-tree-trunk-look-like-the-Venus-de-Willendorf, oh-I-want-to-hug-it variety.  As the days get longer and the weather gets…

Abstract Art Artsy on Escape Into Life

Artsy on Escape Into Life: Jill Ricci

Special treat for your Monday!  Due to Escape Into Life website maintenance, my EIL feature ran early yesterday.  Head over and enjoy! Love at first sight.  That’s what I felt for Jill Ricci’s work. The colors!  The texture!  The…

Design Foraging Paintings

Friday Faves: Different Kind of Hanging O’ The Greens

Sometime in my late 20s I went through a slight obsession with the Irish part of my heritage & Irish culture in general.  I think it stemmed mainly from too many Maeve Binchy books and multiple PBS viewings of…

Artsy Around the Web Guest Foraging

Artsy Around the Web: Guest Post on isavirtue Today!

Artsies, be sure to check out my guest post over on Kaitlyn’s blog, isavirtue today!  I’m featuring one of my all time favorite artists, Casey Matthews.  I never get tired of gushing over Casey’s work! Artsy Forager guest feature…

Daily Artsy Mixed Media

Little Happy Somethings: Trish Grantham

Some days my happy mood gets kicked in the gut first thing in the morning.  This usually results from something I’ve read online that a) infuriates me, b) disgusts me, c) leaves me sick to my stomach and shaking…

Design Foraging Mixed Media

Friday Faves: Taste the Rainbow

Mmmm.. Skittles.  Now that I have you craving some multi-colored chewy candies, let’s talk rainbows.  The ubiquitous symbol of hope seems to be everywhere these days.  Artists are embracing prismatic colors and shapes like mad!  Check out a few…

Daily Artsy Figurative Mixed Media

Balancing Act: Candice Smith Corby

Many of you know that my hubby & I are living a bit of a vagabond life.  My other half is working as a medical traveler, so since May 2011, we’ve moved across the good ol’ USofA from Florida…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Mixed Media Paintings

The Space Between: Erin McIntosh

The world today is so loud and pushy.  We are visually bombarded at all times with color, typography, imagery, you name it.  It begins to weigh us down unknowingly.  Atlanta artist Erin McIntosh’s recent work has a quiet, delicate…

Design Foraging Mixed Media Paintings

Friday Faves: Bookworms

I have a long, ongoing love affair.  With books.  I blame my grandparents, who were avid readers and every night spent with them was ended curled up in my grandmother’s lap listening to her read.  Growing up, books were…