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mixed media

Design Foraging Paintings

Friday Faves: Angels Among Us

We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another. Lucretius At this time of year, angels are everywhere.  Both in ornamentation and figuratively.  Hope you’ll be an angel to…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Mixed Media

A Tale of Patina, Pattern and Pop: Jill Ricci

In our modern and sleek world, we find fascination in old things and places.  These are objects with a story, subway walls wallpapered with layer upon layer upon layer of poster ads or the stratum of paints on a…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Mixed Media

Created Chaos: Sarah Spitler

I am busy spreading holiday cheer today ( OK, actually running around like crazy trying to get stuff done ), which is kind of fitting for the work of today’s featured artist.  Sarah Spitler’s abstracts come from the artist’s…

Artsy Dwelling Interiors

Artsy Dwelling:  Decking Halls and Such

I LOVE this time of year.  It’s a few weeks out of our lives that we take the time to beautify our surroundings, making sure everything sparkles with a holiday glow.  We all become artists, creating vignettes of tinsel…

Artsy on Escape Into Life Mixed Media

Artsy on Escape Into Life:  Liz Tran

I’ve been so busy painting this morning ( Yes, you read that right!  I may or may not share the finished work with you.  Depends on how I feel about them.. ), that I almost forgot to let you…

Daily Artsy Mixed Media

Would You Like Art With Your Coffee?

It’s no secret that here in the Pacific Northwest, we love our coffee.  Caffiing up is taken very seriously around these parts.  Our coffee house experiences are not limited to the ubiquitous Starbucks.  The most wonderful, interesting coffee joints are…

Artsy on Escape Into Life Paintings

Artsy on Escape Into Life: Steve Williams

Today’s Artsy Forager post on Escape Into Life features one of my favorite artists, Steve Williams.  Check out his feature and peruse around the EIL site, lots of fabulous goodies to be had! Steve Williams on Escape Into Life…

Daily Artsy Mixed Media

Curious Amalgamations of the Unrelated: Geoff Mitchell

It seems to be human nature to look for meaning in everything.  We agonize over the meaning of baby names before choosing monikers for our offspring, we overanalyze  other people’s words to find out what they really meant, we…

Daily Artsy Mixed Media

Of a Mod Nature: Mary Chomenko Hinckley

Camisoles and combat boots.. cayenne and chocolate.. some things just don’t seem like they would go together.  Take, for example, the work of Mary Chomenko Hinckley.  This is an artist who enjoys finding the harmony in the disparate. Like…

Daily Artsy Mixed Media

Abstractions of Atmosphere: Susan Goldsmith

This year, autumn has been a completely new experience for me.  Having never experienced a full autumn outside of my home in northeast Florida ( short trips north don’t really count ), one of the things I was most…