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mixed media

Artsy Chatter

Artsy Chatter: She Said with Christy Kinard

I can’t think of many more inspiring ways to live than with a partner who shares your passions.  Yesterday, we had a little chat with Jon Davenport, who is married to fellow artist Christy Kinard, and today, it’s Christy’s…

Daily Artsy Figurative Mixed Media Paintings

Southern Comforts: Jon Davenport

I’m a Southern girl.  You may not know that about me, since we’ve been all over the Northwest during most of Artsy Forager’s existence.  OK some may not include Florida as the Deep South, but North Florida is pretty…

Collage Daily Artsy Mixed Media

This American Life: Matthew Conradt

In one way or another, we all buy into the idea of “the American Dream“, we strive for success and prosperity.  And if we haven’t achieved it, we’ll fake it ’till we make it.  Or we’ll just fake it.…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Figurative Mixed Media

Surfaced Memories: Jane Hambleton

Thumbing through an old photo album.  Spending an afternoon sifting through the contents of a cedar chest.  These are things I took for granted before we started traveling.  I’m even a bit envious of friends posting childhood photos of…

Fashion Paintings Wear the Artsy

Wear the Artsy: Christy Kinard

January can be a tough month for some folks.  I love the winter, but I understand how the cold air, brown grass and gray skies can get ya down.  Which is why I love the work of this month’s…

Artsy Forager Featured Artist Daily Artsy Still Life

January Featured Artist: Christy Kinard

Happy 2014, Artsies!  I can hardly believe we have turned the calendar over to a new year so soon!  2013 was a year filled with changes and opportunities, some worked out, some didn’t, but I hope we all have…

Daily Artsy Figurative Mixed Media

Stories Retold: Marybeth Rothman

When I was young, one of my favorite grandmother’s house activities was to sit with her and go through the piles and piles of photo albums she meticulously collected and kept.  I was enchanted by seeing my grandparents when…

Daily Artsy Landscapes Mixed Media

Spoiled Earth: Brooks Salzwedel

In our travels, Mr. Forager and I have been very fortunate to have seen some amazingly beautiful places.  Unfortunately, for many, the opportunity to see unspoiled beauty is rare.  Our landscapes are filled with strip malls and fast food…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Mixed Media Paintings

Drawing the Journey: Mel Prest

At the end of our traveling, I think it might be interesting for Mr. Forager & I to map out all of our journeys, connecting the places we’ve lived and visited.  As we enter into our 3rd year of…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Mixed Media Paintings

The Softness Under the Surface: Sara Maragotto

When an artist chooses to concentrate their attention on one certain subject, I’m always amazed by the diversity of ways in which they explore that form. Especially when an artist is  seeking to look beyond representation to abstraction.  In…