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Masterworks Paintings

Masterworks Monday: Madame X

She has been a source of fascination, scandal and intrigue for over a century. John Singer Sargent’s masterpiece, Madame X, while initially a source of pain and frustration to the artist, proved to be his most recognizable and memorable work.…

Galleries This Artsy Life

My Husband GETS Abstract Art.. finally

My hubby is a very intelligent and creative person in his own way– the stories he concocts and “sketches” he comes up with are Saturday Night Live-worthy and he reads books like A People’s History of the United States…

Architecture Masterworks museums

Museum Hopping

Though our time in the cities we visited on our cross-country tour was short, we managed to hit a couple of wonderful, yet very different museums along the way.  In Tulsa, we spent a few hours exploring the Philbrook…

Architecture Masterworks museums Sculpture

Hands-On vs Hands-Off Artistry

In my daily reading of this morning I came across two articles, seemingly unrelated, until the Facebook comments regarding one of the articles tied them together for me.  The first article, found here, poses the question, “Should Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia Remain Unfinished?”  The…

Masterworks Paintings

Masterworks Monday:  Edward Hopper

Happy Monday, Artsies!  Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend.  This week’s Masterworks Monday artist is one of my all-time faves, American Realist painter Edward Hopper.   A feeling of melancholy tends to pervade most of Hopper’s work, but maybe that is…

Daily Artsy Fashion Sculpture

Pulp Fashion: Isabelle de Borchgrave

OK, the fashion loving girl in me is coming out! Check out this amazing show opening at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco. “Pulp Fashion: The Art of Isabel de Borchgrave” is a study in fashion and sculpture,…

Masterworks Paintings

Masterworks Monday: Georgia On My Mind

OK, I know it’s something of a cliche to be a woman who loves the work of Georgia O’Keeffe.   But I don’t care.  I have unabashedly loved her work for what seems like forever.  And I’m proud to say…


Behind the Museum Walls: Thoughts From a Curator

Good morning, all! Do you ever wonder how pieces are chosen for museum exhibits?  Why one work makes the cut but another doesn’t?  I just read this interesting little article written by Katharine Stout, curator of the new exhibit, “Watercolour”…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

Loss of a Legend: Hamish MacEwan

Yesterday I learned of the passing of one of the great leaders of the art community in Jacksonville, Hamish MacEwan.  Hamish was born in Scotland, eventually coming to the US and earning a Masters of Art degree from Harvard University. …

Abstract Art Masterworks museums

Masterworks Monday: The Cubists

Sorry for the late post today– we’ve had some big things happening, so I’ve been a bit preoccupied.  More on that later!  For this week’s Masters Monday, we’re going a little more modern– enter Pablo Picasso and cubism.  Cubism is…