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Daily Artsy Paintings Still Life

Everyday. Aubrey Levinthal.

Between the highs of the mountaintop experiences like holidays, weddings, and vacations, we can forget to find the meaningfulness in the everyday.  The paintings of Aubrey Levinthal celebrate the beauty to be found in the commonplace. Throughout the day, I…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

Realities. Matthew Stone.

A while back, I posed a question on Instagram asking whether other artists prefer to tweeze out random brush hairs from their paintings or just allow them to exist as part of the painting process.  Results were split between those…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Vulnerabilities. Thomas Donaldson.

We lay ourselves open in more ways than just physical nakedness.  Baring our souls often requires much more bravery.  We aren’t just our bodies but our spirits.  And it is in those deepest places that our true selves reside.…

Daily Artsy Paintings

Cages. Seth Armstrong.

While Mr. F and I were living outside San Francisco, we both had a feeling of being hemmed in.  Even though we were living in a small town in the mountains, the number of people had us feeling a…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

Changes. Elyce Abrams.

Life doesn’t stand still.  It is constantly moving, constantly changing.  Some lives changing more so and more often than others.  If our lives aren’t in some sort of state of transition, we aren’t growing and what is the point?…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

Release. Conn Ryder.

I think most artists would tell you that there is a build up of ideas, of creativity that happens within us, until we feel as if we might burst if we don’t get it out.  Or conversely, if we…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Seen. Cesar Biojo.

Some people look at us and see what they want to see.  Others look and see exactly who we are, loving and accepting us without reserve.  These paintings by Cesar Biojo with their obscured faces remind me of  the…

Artsy Diggs Paintings

Revisiting. Jeffrey Beauchamp.

hover over the photo above and click through for a peek into the artist’s studio As artists, once in a while, we come across someone who inspires us, who thinks the way we do, who spurs us to greater…

Daily Artsy Landscapes Paintings

Grandeur. James Lavadour.

Mr. F and I have settled into our new spot for the next three months– Idaho Falls, Idaho.  While it’s a huge change from living outside of San Francisco, you may be surprised at how excited we are to…

Abstract Art Artsy Diggs Daily Artsy Paintings

Structures. Howard Hersh.

hover over the photo above then click through for a peek into the artist’s studio We live our lives in and within structures.  From the house we call home, to the universe itself, to our very bodies, structure has…