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Abstract Art Art to Inspiration Paintings Still Life

Art to Inspiration: Linda Monfort

I’ve been out to lunch Art to Inspiration-wise lately.  I love this collaborative exercise, but alas, there just wasn’t time for it last month with our moving 1300 miles south and all.  But this month’s inspiration piece is so lovely,…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

A Luminous Grace: Jennifer JL Jones

An artist I met recently regaled me with tales of how she painted with “glow in the dark” paint.  While I can certainly understand the desire for work that glows, I prefer to see the luminosity achieved instead by…

Abstract Art Artsy Forager Featured Artist Paintings Sculpture

November Facebook Featured Artist: Susan Melrath

There are some artists whose work I’ve been following and admiring long before my blogging days.  I first spotted this month’s Facebook Featured Artist, Susan Melrath’s work in print form during my art consulting days in Florida.  I was…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

Intuitive Scenes: Julie Schumer

To paint the feeling of a person or place, rather than a representation of your subject can be quite the task.  An artist must be able to interpret their impression into nothing but line, texture, color and form.  Through…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

The Poetic Palette: Brianna Angelakis

Reading an enthralling tale comes pretty close to the joy I get from viewing incredible artwork.  Some of my absolute favorite books have been the work of “classic” female authors such as Charlotte Bronte and Jane Austen.  I still…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Flashbacks & Snapshots : Diego Gravinese

There are some artists whose work I respond to on a visceral level, visually.  I see it.  I love it.  I don’t have to know what it’s about or the super secret story behind the meaning of each piece.…

Daily Artsy Landscapes Mixed Media

Under an Urban Sky: Jennifer Seymour

I don’t know what it is about this time of year, but it makes me crave a big city.  A city with bustling sidewalks and tall buildings.  Mr. Forager and I are still trying to figure out if we’re urban…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

The Feminine Mystique: Pam Hawkes

We are all guilty of over-sharing these days.  Thanks to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Four Square, etc., the world has become privy to our innermost thoughts, what we ate for lunch, how many miles we ran that day.  We…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

The Glamorati: Anna Kincaide Horne

For me, gorgeously styled movies and fashion photos are a guilty pleasure and voyeuristic escape.  For a brief moment, I can imagine myself a part of a super fabulous, amazingly glamorous life.  The work of Tallahassee artist Anna Kincaide…

Abstract Art Artsy on Escape Into Life

Artsy on Escape Into Life: Lisa Beerntsen

The work of California artist Lisa Beerntsen seems at once cosmic and microscopic.. organic forms float as if suspended in viscous fluid.  Check out more of Beerntsen’s work my Artist Watch feature today over on Escape Into Life! Lisa Beerntsen…