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collage Daily Artsy

No Place Like Home: Kelda Martensen

The minute I saw this artist’s work, it resonated deeply with me.  As Mr. F and I continue to travel, we are brought closer to the day when we settle down to make a permanent home.  The idea of…

Daily Artsy Woodcuts

Puzzle Me This: Kent Ambler

I love it when you guys write to me to tell me about an artist’s work!  Even more than that, I love gallery owners who are passionate about promoting their artists’ work.  So when Art & Light Gallery owner…

Artsy Advice Guest Forager

Guest Forager: Kaitlyn of isavirtue– Taking the Fear Out of Art Collecting

Hi Artsies!  I’m taking a tiny break for a few days, while we visit with some dear friends from Florida.  Please welcome fellow art lover and blogger, Kaitlyn Patience, who blogs and creates gorgeous stationery over at isavirtue! Hello,…