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Daily Artsy Sculpture

Hidden Treasures: Elyse Graham

I remember being fascinated by a pair of geodes that were one of my grandmother’s travel souvenirs.  The ugly, nondescript rocky surface hiding inside it a magical, sparkly surprise.  Los Angeles artist Elyse Graham shares my childhood fascination, creating…

Daily Artsy Sculpture

Yada Yada, Art: Ben Skinner

I have a special place in my artsy heart for artists who are inspired by language.  Maybe it comes from my love of writing and reading– my college major came down to a decision between Art History and Literature.…

Don't Miss Artsiness Exhibitions Galleries museums

Don’t Miss Artsiness: NSEW 6.5.2014

Gallery Shows You Should Know About This week, it would seem, is one to be filled with all sorts of newness!  In addition to the new post series started on Tuesday and the introduction of my shop, I’m excited…

Daily Artsy Sculpture

Ceremonial Garb: Amy Boone McCreesh

When it comes to ceremonies and celebrating, it seems like here in the US, our traditions are pretty mundane.  Where are all the costumes and displays?  For many other cultures, milestones are met with ritual and fanfare. Baltimore artist…

Abstract Art Artsy Lately Exhibitions Paintings Sculpture

Artsy Lately: Margie Livingston

As artists, we are pretty obsessed with our materials and mediums.  Photographers baby their cameras and lenses, sculptors take precious care of their tools.  And painters, well, we love paint– the way it smells, the way it looks, the…

Daily Artsy Drawing Sculpture

Puffball Bonsai: Alexandra Gjurasic

I am loving these little Puffball Bonsai sculptures by Alexandra Gjurasic.  They make me happy with their colorful stripes and cotton candy poufs.  I could just leave it at that.  But I like to take things a little deeper.…

Artsy on Film

Artsy on Film: Beauty is Embarrassing

Mr. Forager’s tastes are a bit unpredictable.  I never know which artist’s work he’s going to connect with and I’m often surprised by the ones he choses as favorites.  But when we were looking for something to watch after…

Daily Artsy Drawing Mixed Media Sculpture

Earthly Balance: Hannah Chalew

This planet we live on is an incredible example of a delicate balancing.  I’m always amazed to read stories about the ripple effect one tiny plant or micro organism may have on an entire eco-culture.  Often it is man…

Daily Artsy Figurative Sculpture

Overtaken: Jess Riva Cooper

While we were hiking last weekend, Mr. F & I spotted something we’d never quite seen before.  We’re familiar with nurse logs, but noticed several trees whose roots had grown over and around a fallen redwood.  In her Viral…

Artsy Happenings Daily Artsy Exhibitions Galleries

Artsy Happening: April Arts Alive! in Eureka

You guys, we are loving our new little town so much!  Since we arrived, everyone’s been telling me how many artists there are here in Eureka and that we must check out the monthly art walk, ArtsAlive.  It was…