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Artsy Abroad

Artsy Abroad. The Bottega Tours Venice.

Hiya, Artsies!  Artist Candice Smith Corby recently took a group of students on a little artsy tour of Venice and is here to share her experience with you!  I’ll be checking in and letting you know what’s been happening…

Artsy Forager Featured Artist

December Featured Artist. Anna Kincaide.

If you’ve been following the blog for awhile, you may recognize the work of our December Featured Artist.  Not only have I featured the work of Anna Kincaide on the blog several times, but she’s also one of the artists…

Artsy Forager Featured Artist Paintings

November Featured Artist. Marsha Boston.

November might just be my favorite month.. shhh, don’t tell October!  So it’s only fitting to give you one of my favorite artists as the Featured Artist for the month of November!  California artist Marsha Boston is a painter after…

Artsy Abroad

Artsy Abroad. In Situ: Spiral Jetty and the Utah Salt Flats.

by Stephanie Clark The scale of the Spiral Jetty tends to fluctuate depending on where the viewer happens to be. Size determines an object, but scale determines art. A crack in the wall if viewed in terms of scale,…

Artsy Forager Featured Artist Paintings

October Featured Artist. Raquel Edwards.

I’m sure you didn’t think I’d be back so soon and this is just a momentary pop-in.  But I couldn’t let a new month dawn without bringing you a new Featured Artist!  When first we met October Featured Artist, Raquel…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life. A Momentary Farewell.

This morning I awoke before the sun in San Francisco and boarded a one-way flight bound for my Florida home.  I’ve shared previously about my mom’s cancer diagnosis and the battle is taking its toll on her.  She needs me…

Daily Artsy Paintings

Overwhelming Landscapes. Paco Pomet.

Being out in the woods or hiking in the mountains can be an intimidating experience.  It is when we are in the enormity of the wilderness that we realize how very small and insignificant we are.   These paintings…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

A Little Night Magic. Sarah Shaw.

In our travels, Mr. F and I have seen some beautiful sights from the highway.  During our time in Yosemite, we often found ourselves driving through the park from the valley up to our campground after nightfall.  There was…

Daily Artsy Figurative Paintings

Conjured Childhoods. Hannah Lewis Davies.

Isn’t it funny how selective our memories of childhood can be?  How some moments seem so vivid while others are barely recalled?  UK artist Hannah Lewis Davies‘ paintings explore those fleeting memories as well as the imaginary worlds we…

Collage Daily Artsy

Piles of Pieces. M Michael Smith.

I like to think of life like a puzzle.  We are given all these disjointed bits yet they fit together in a way that is unique to our own personality and experience.  These collages by Cincinnati artist M Michael…