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Daily Artsy

Daily Artsy Photography

The Everyday is Beautiful: Marie Chantale Turgeon

It’s so easy to take the gift of each day for granted.  We move through the paces of everyday living, often forgetting to revel in its beauty.  In her polaroid series, artist Marie Chantale Turgeon captures those moments of…

Abstract Art Finding My Own Artsy Paintings

Finding My Own Artsy: Feminine Wiles, Painting Two

Here goes, ya’ll, I’m ready to share the second painting in my new series, Feminine Wiles ( see the first one here ).  This new series of paintings are abstract color studies based on the fashion of iconic female film roles.…

Abstract Art Daily Artsy Paintings

What You See: Anne Sherwood Pundyk

One of the things I love best about abstract painting is its ambiguity.  Without the direction of an artist statement of some sort, the viewer can have no idea the artist’s source of catalyst, inspiration or proclamation.  These paintings…

Artsy Lately Paintings

Artsy Lately: Shawn Huckins, American _Tier

Being out here in the Northwest versus growing up in Florida, I’ve gotten more of a sense of  what it would have been like to see this wild and glorious country for the first time.  It is difficult in…

Daily Artsy Landscapes Mixed Media Paintings

A Sense of Place: Stacey Rees

Every place has its own personality, just like any person.  Some places are a bit dark and brooding, while others are so sunny and bright they are almost annoying.. Victoria artist Stacey Rees captures the sensual and spiritual atmosphere…

Design Foraging Textiles

Design Foraging: Hopewell Workshop

I’m a big fan of modern quilts.  I love that artists and artisans are continuing a longstanding tradition yet giving it a modern spin.  The ladies of Hopewell Workshop, Eliza Kenan and Claire Oswalt came together to continue the…

Collage Daily Artsy

Bits of Lovely: Claire Oswalt

Collage as a medium has had such a resurgence in recent years, but it’s a tough undertaking to get right and create something unique and lovely.  In this series of collages on book pages, Brooklyn artist Claire Oswalt creates beautiful…

Daily Artsy Paintings

Life, Objectified: Kour Pour

Things are just things, it’s true.  Life is about our relationships and what we say and do, yet the objects that we live with become a part of who we are.  Artist Kour Pour methodically recreates intricately patterned carpets…

Daily Artsy Paintings Still Life

A Lovely Disarray: Carmelo Blandino

In love, as in life, things aren’t always neat and orderly.  Emotions go awry, we find ourselves sliding down the rabbit hole of sensitivity, going from sadness to anger to regret to tenderness and back again.  These large scale…

Abstract Art Finding My Own Artsy Paintings

Finding My Own Artsy: Feminine Wiles, Painting One

If you’re following along on Instagram, you might have noticed a little sneak peek into something I’ve been working on lately.  Since starting my #colorforaging2014 project at the beginning of the year, I’ve had more creative energy than ever.…