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Design Foraging

Design Foraging Fashion Interiors

Design Foraging: Erie Drive

For today’s edition of Design Foraging, I’m excited to introduce you to online retailer, Erie Drive!  Erie Drive offers hand-picked unique gift and home items and I was happy to be asked to curate for them a few of…

Design Design Foraging Interiors Sculpture

Design Foraging: Wonky Pots

I don’t know about you, but I love anything that’s just a bit off.. wonky if you will.  So of course, I’m loving this collection of Wonky Pots by Anthropologie Featured Artist Vanja Bazdulj.  A little odd, a little…

Rainy Day Wool Throw at Leif Shop
Design Foraging Interiors Jewelry Textiles

Design Foraging: Cloud Illusions, I Recall

Monday morning, as Mr. Forager & I were leaving home, we both got excited at how grey and blustery a morning it was here in the desert.  A “Northwest kind of day!” we both exclaimed.  Perhaps you might think…

Radial Necklace I by Nervous System
Design Design Foraging Fashion Jewelry

Design Foraging: Get Out Your 3D Glasses, Ya’ll

Ok, so I’m not really using 3D in quite the right context in that there title.  But doesn’t the whole 3D thing still seem terribly futuristic, even though every other movie these days is being made that way?  I…

Woven Tapestries by Maryanne Moodie
Design Foraging Textiles

Design Foraging: Tangled Up

Mr. Forager & I like to browse through thrift stores occasionally.  He’s always hoping to score something or other needed for beer making and I love finding great deals on vintage and designer clothes.  Every once in awhile, in…

Ceramic Cylinder Birdhouse at Leif
ceramics Design Design Foraging

Design Foraging: Plant!

Spring is officially here!  As much as I adore winter, there is something about spring that brings out the joy and hopefulness in us, don’t you think?  Like when I owned my little house in Florida, how excited I…

Design Design Foraging Fashion

Design Foraging: The Artsy is in the Bag

So yesterday I confessed to you that I am trying to pare down my clothing collection.  What I didn’t tell you is that I am also traveling with way too many purses!  Back in my gallery days, I was…

Design Design Foraging Jewelry

Friday Design Finds: Cuff ‘Em

There was a time, prior to marrying Mr. F and hitting my fourth decade ( gulp! ), when I was a teeny little wisp of a thing and my wrists were so small some bracelets fell right off.  Enter…

Design Design Foraging Interiors

Friday Design Finds: Not Your Grandma’s Patchwork

Nothing against your grandma or her patchwork.  Heck, I have a cherished and loved until it is falling apart patchwork quilt that belonged to my own grandmother.  But patchwork has gotten an update.  Bright colors, bold patterns and modern mixes…

ceramics Design Foraging Sculpture

Friday Design Finds: Not So Boring Vases

Perhaps some pretty flowers arrived at your house yesterday?  Maybe not ones of the Christy Kinard variety ( but if so, LUCKY!! ), but the sweetly scented kind.  Pray tell, what did you do with your floral treasure?  Please…