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This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 43 [ Dear October, We Love You ]

 I’m so with you, Lucy Maud Montgomery!  Mr. F and I were talking this weekend about how October is just the perfect month.  The crisp air is such a welcome change following summer, the turning leaves are in full…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 42 [ Time Keeps on Slippin’ ]

The end is fast approaching, ya’ll.  In less than 4 weeks, we will be setting off again to parts as yet unknown.  While there isn’t much to do in this little town during the week, there is an overwhelming…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 41 [ An Artsy Never Says Never ]

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my several decades of life, it is never say never.  Now I might say I highly doubt that will ever happen.. but I’ve learned that just when you think never is the…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 40 [ Atmosphere is Almost Everything ]

With every new place, we make out a list of our “must sees” while we are there and this weekend, the sun finally came out, so we took full advantage and happily crossed a few items off our list!…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 39 [ Rain-soaked Northwest Days ]

There is a strange bright light coming through my window.. I think it might be the sun!  Hello old friend.  Where were you this weekend, huh?  The rain came down hard and often all weekend long.  We braved the…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 38 [ when nothing goes as planned ]

We check the weekend forecast religiously throughout the week.  Here in the Northwest, especially in the Fall, the weather can change on a dime.  All week, the forecast was calling for periodic rain for Saturday.  So no hiking or…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 37 [ The Rains Come, Fall Begins ]

I know it’s not officially Fall yet, but this weekend it finally began to feel as if it is on its way!  the Pacific Northwest has had an utterly gorgeous, yes, but uncharacteristically warm and long summer.  And as…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 36 [ Salve for My Stir Crazy ]

I’m a bit of a homebody, I admit.  But am finding I’m a little more stir crazy than normal lately.  I blame working from home.  And the home health job which necessitates Mr. F to always have the car…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 35 [ Artsy Say Relax, Part Deux ]

Normally, when graced with a 3-day weekend, Mr. F and I might take the opportunity to get out of town, maybe do a little camping.  But after a week of not feeling super great, we both decided that another…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 34 [Artsy Say Relax]

You guys.  It has been soooo long.  So very long since we had a weekend like this one!  Nowhere to be, no one to meet, no chores needing to be checked off.  Absolutely no pressure to do anything.  After…