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This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Settling In

We’ve done it again.  Mr. Forager & I have moved just a bit south of Seattle to a small town just outside Olympia.  After a whirlwind week of showing Mr. F’s sister around our favorite city, we had just…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 31[ Work + 5 Places I’d Rather Be ]

Weekends, in and of themselves, are always a good thing. But weekends like this one just past, ones in which you feel like all you did were chores with maybe a pleasant little walk in between, are hardly my…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 30 [ Just Us Two ]

Here’s the thing.  Mr. F & I love people.  We really do.  But we’re both introverts, he being a bit more on the outgoing side than I.  So as much as we love to socialize, people can be exhausting…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 29 [ One Last Island Before We Go ]

If you’ve been following the This Artsy Life posts, you know Mr. Forager & I have been doing a bit of island hopping recently. Once we decided for certain we were leaving Seattle, we knew we wanted to make…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 28 [ Forging Ahead ]

Our weekend started off gangbusters with a fun surprise for me from Mr. Forager.  Obviously I love painting and all things artsy and a few times post-gallery hopping, Mr. F has  mentioned that he would like to give his…

Photography This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 27 [ Sunny Seattle Days ]

The weather in Seattle was absolutely perfect this weekend! Bright and sunny skies punctuated by cool breezes meant there were no excuses for staying home. So Mr. Forager and I grabbed our coffee and continued our island tour around…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 26 [ Exploring is Our Normal ]

In all the stress of leaving California, moving to Seattle, finding an apartment, furnishing said apartment, working, etc., Mr. Forager & I seemed to lose sight of what always made our weekends like mini-vacations for us– exploring!  Sure, we…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 21 [ Roamin’ in the Rain ]

As we thought it would, the rainy days came back full force here in Seattle, just in time for the long holiday weekend! That didn’t stop Mr. Forager & I from getting out and exploring some new ‘hoods. We…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: Weekend 20 [ Discovering and Settling In ]

This was the first weekend that felt like we actually lived here.  We weren’t running around and unpacking all weekend ( although there was a little of that ).  We had the luxury of sleeping in, exploring and discovering.…

This Artsy Life

This Artsy Life: We’re Home

So I’ve hardly made a secret out of how very excited we were for Mr. F to take a work assignment here in Seattle. We seriously have to pinch ourselves even after being here for almost two weeks! Finally…